Would like to add a tab to basetabs


I thought this may be a simple thing , but nope.

I am trying to add an extra tab to basetabs in Elements/Tabs

so i did this , i added Wiki to the piece of code.

But i must be missing a step cause it does not show up.

could some one please tell me what i am missing or where in the doc
that describes how to do this

Thanks for any help

my $basetabs = { A => { title => loc(‘Homepage’),
path => ‘’,
B => { title => loc(‘Tickets’),
path => ‘Search/Listing.html’
E => { title => loc(‘Configuration’),
path => ‘Admin/’
K => { title => loc(‘Preferences’),
path => ‘User/Prefs.html’
P => { title => loc(‘Approval’),
path => ‘Approvals/’
X => { title => ‘Wiki’,
path => ‘http://ns1.domain.com/wiki2/
Z => { title => ‘Statistics’,
path => ‘Statistics/index.html’