Hi all,
I have a very simple need for approval. Either my manager or my director
approval should suffice.
I have it this way currently:
{ ‘CMR-approval’ => [ ‘IT Manager approval’, ‘IT Director approval’], }
But it still requires the 2 of them to approve for the “pending
approval” status to vanish. I have also tried with another pair of
angled brackets, but still no luck.
How would I go about doing that?
Thanks for the help.
I haven’t tried the plugin yet, but based on the docs
(rt-workflow - helper for configuring approval workflow in RT - metacpan.org), I’d
guess you need something like:
{ ‘CMR-approval-rule’ => [‘CMR-approval’ => [‘IT Manager approval’,
‘IT Director approval’] ] } );
Hope that works/helps.
Clkao may have comments.
However as far as I can see it should be:
{ ‘CMR-approval’ => [ [ ‘IT Manager approval’, ‘IT Director approval’] ], }
One stage with multiple approvers.On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Fred Blaise fredb@modernp.com wrote:
Hi all,
I have a very simple need for approval. Either my manager or my director
approval should suffice.
I have it this way currently:
{ ‘CMR-approval’ => [ ‘IT Manager approval’, ‘IT Director approval’], }
But it still requires the 2 of them to approve for the “pending
approval” status to vanish. I have also tried with another pair of
angled brackets, but still no luck.
How would I go about doing that?
Thanks for the help.
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Best regards, Ruslan.
Hi Michael,
Yes, I have tried that too, but oddly, it didn’t work. I re-ran the
rt-workflow to update the rule, and even restarted apache, but I could
not notice any difference in behavior.
Michael Finn wrote: