Why use CFs on transations vs. tickets

I’ve seen plenty of reasons to use Custom Fields on tickets and have
done so for years. What I’ve never been able to figure out was: Why
use them on transactions?

For my technicians, adding CFs in the Comment or Reply screens makes
the most sense. We currently use CFs on the ticket (not transation)
level. This means that when my techs reply to an end user and, they
then have to going back to the ticket and then the Basics screen.
This is a bit cumbersome. Not so cumbersome that it can’t be done.
Its just cumbersome enough that we we tend to forget to do it. So I
was hoping to bring that into the Comment/Reply/Resolve page.
Transaction level CFs do that, but they then loose almost all other
advantages, like searching.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to use CFs on the
Comment/Reply/Resolve page and have them apply to the ticket level?
Is there away to search based on the contents of CFs that are on a
transaction level?


Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District

Am I missing something? Is there a way to use CFs on the

It was never intention to add transaction custom fields just to place
custom fields on update page. Transactions’ custom fields are there so
you can categorize particular replies/comments.

For example you can add a freeform CF that is only visible to staff
member where they can describe two pages of crap in the correspond
using oneliner for others to understand what’s going on.

I don’t have an example that makes TxnCFs shine for real.

Comment/Reply/Resolve page and have them apply to the ticket level?

Yes, with custom patches and extensions. Solutions on the wiki for
ages. http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/EditCustomFieldsOnUpdate

I rarely wish to enter a CF value while replying. Some people want all
of them, some people want custom set, some people want to make
“Resolution” custom field to be defined if person changes status to
“resolved”. You see variants.

Out of the box RT has Jumbo page. Use it instead of reply/comment or
customize with extensions or callbacks.

Is there away to search based on the contents of CFs that are on a
transaction level?

I believe there is a branch for this in the repo.

Best regards, Ruslan.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to use CFs on the
I don’t have an example that makes TxnCFs shine for real.

I’m aware of people using it to track a bunch of billing info, because
there might be multiple billable transactions in a ticket so tracking
it at the ticket level is wrong.

Is there away to search based on the contents of CFs that are on a
transaction level?
I believe there is a branch for this in the repo.

There is, we’re planning to make it available in 4.2
