Which mandatory-fields extension to pick?

I’d like to force requestors to fill out the Subject (and possibly
Content) fields of a new request being opened via the Web U/I.

I noticed several extensions for individual fields being mentioned
(on CPAN and on Request Tracker — Best Practical Solutions):


I also found a generic Mandatory Fields extension:

However, the latter isn’t mentioned anywhere on bestpractical.com.

I wonder if anyone has any advice – I’d naturally prefer the latter,
general-purpose extension, unless the former two have some sort of
privileged status, better support, a better chance of being integrated
into RT-proper, etc.


I’d like to force requestors to fill out the Subject (and possibly
Content) fields of a new request being opened via the Web U/I.

I noticed several extensions for individual fields being mentioned
(on CPAN and on Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions):

RT-Extension-MandatorySubject-0.05 - Enforce users to fill the subject when creating a ticket - metacpan.org
RT-Extension-MandatoryRequestor-0.02 - Enforce users to fill the requestor when creating a ticket - metacpan.org

I also found a generic Mandatory Fields extension:


However, the latter isn’t mentioned anywhere on bestpractical.com.

I wonder if anyone has any advice – I’d naturally prefer the latter,
general-purpose extension, unless the former two have some sort of
privileged status, better support, a better chance of being integrated
into RT-proper, etc.

Those extensions are not supported by BestPractical. First two are
very simple demonstrations that can be useful in production as well.
The last one is not listed on the site only cuz it was not tested by
best practical developers to make sure it installs and basic
functionality works as described with latest RT versions. We just had
no time.


Best regards, Ruslan.