WhereTFis "RT::Action::SendPasswordEmail" ?

In 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, the stock User_Overlay.pm references
RT::Action::SendPasswordEmail, which doesn’t seem to exist in either

The mention is made in ResetPassword, which seems to work otherwise.
Here’s the context:

my $notification = RT::Action::SendPasswordEmail->new(
TemplateObj => $template,
Argument => $pass

$notification->SetHeader( 'To', $self->EmailAddress );

my ($ret);
$ret = $notification->Prepare();
if ($ret) {
    $ret = $notification->Commit();


Where can I find this class?

/Ole Craig
Security Engineer
Team lead, customer support

303-381-3802 (main support hotline)
303-381-3824 (my direct line)
303-381-3801 (fax)

. . .

In 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, the stock User_Overlay.pm references
RT::Action::SendPasswordEmail, which doesn’t seem to exist in either


Where can I find this class?

Grrr. Of course, after I thought to Google for “SendPasswordEmail”
instead of “SendPasswordEmail.pm” I found (only slightly) more useful
hints and allegations… and finally stumbled across
Request Tracker Wiki which gave me
enough to work with. Thank you, HCoyote!

Note to anyone else running this particular gauntlet who happens to find
this while archive-diving: any user to whom you wish to mail a password
using this method must have the “ShowTemplate” right (to send mail) as
well as the “ModifySelf” right (to change the password in the first

Jesse, you might consider sticking a “Warning! Unfinished!” comment into
the ResetPassword function. (Or else remove it entirely, since it seems
to have been lying around in this state since basically its first
appearance, circa 2.0.9…)

/Ole Craig
Security Engineer
Team lead, customer support

303-381-3802 (main support hotline)
303-381-3824 (my direct line)
303-381-3801 (fax)

. . .

In 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, the stock User_Overlay.pm references
RT::Action::SendPasswordEmail, which doesn’t seem to exist in either

That’s dead code. It’s never called.