Where are the manpages (RT 3.0.7_01)

Dear RT-users,

rt-mailgate --help tells me [...] See "man rt-mailgate" for more.,
but there are were no manpages installed for RT. Any ideas what we did
wrong (everything else works perfectly) or where I can find more info
about ‘rt-mailgate’, especially about the ‘–extension’ option (what it
is, what it does)?

Thanks in advance


Frank Thommen, Informatik Support Gruppe, D-INFK, ETH Zuerich
E-Mail: fthommen@inf.ethz.ch; Tel: +41-1-63 27208 (Mo-Do)
Web: http://www.isg.inf.ethz.ch

rt-mailgate --help tells me [...] See "man rt-mailgate" for more.,
but there are were no manpages installed for RT. Any ideas what we did
wrong (everything else works perfectly) or where I can find more info
about ‘rt-mailgate’, especially about the ‘–extension’ option (what it
is, what it does)?

the “man pages” are in perldoc. perldoc /path/to/rt-mailgate should
show you what you want. Probably a bug that the help text says man


the “man pages” are in perldoc. perldoc /path/to/rt-mailgate should
show you what you want. Probably a bug that the help text says man

Yup. That was it. Thanks a lot
