Whats the best way to involve external persons without loosing control over the ticket

Hi everybody,

I’d like to ask for a “best practice”:

My help helpdesk shall alway have control over the ticket eg be the owner;
on the other hand, they may need to involve additional persons (sub
contracters, …)
What’s the best way to bring them in the game ?

Any suggestion welcome

Wolfgang Fuertbauer (e-Mail: Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com)
EBEWE Pharma
Mondseestrasse 11
4866 Unterach, Austria
Tel +43 7665 8123 315 Mobile: +43 664 8397987
Fax +43 7665 8123 1487

For product support we set the ticket owner as the person who actually
responds to the request (ie communicates with the customer), and include
people who are required to add information to a ticket in order to
resolve it as AdminCCs.


Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com wrote:


I’m looking for a way not to change the ticket owner; in case of external
I don’t want to change the ticket owner to the external person; that’s
what I mean with
“not loosing control”.

  • Shall we open a new ticket, make the external person the ticket owner an
    link this new ticket as child to the original
  • somewhere on the wiki there was a patch “split ticket” (before the wiki
    got spammed again); any experience ?
  • any other thought’s


For product support we set the ticket owner as the person who actually
responds to the request (ie communicates with the customer), and include
people who are required to add information to a ticket in order to
resolve it as AdminCCs.


Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com wrote:

Hi everybody,

I’d like to ask for a “best practice”:

My help helpdesk shall alway have control over the ticket eg be the
on the other hand, they may need to involve additional persons (sub
contracters, …)
What’s the best way to bring them in the game ?

Any suggestion welcome

Wolfgang Fuertbauer (e-Mail: Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com)
EBEWE Pharma
Mondseestrasse 11
4866 Unterach, Austria
Tel +43 7665 8123 315 Mobile: +43 664 8397987
Fax +43 7665 8123 1487

-----Original Message-----

I’m looking for a way not to change the ticket owner; in case
of external support,
I don’t want to change the ticket owner to the external
person; that’s what I mean with
“not loosing control”.

  • Shall we open a new ticket, make the external person the
    ticket owner an link this new ticket as child to the original
  • somewhere on the wiki there was a patch “split ticket”
    (before the wiki got spammed again); any experience ?
  • any other thought’s


For product support we set the ticket owner as the person
who actually
responds to the request (ie communicates with the customer),
and include
people who are required to add information to a ticket in order to
resolve it as AdminCCs.


Hello Wolfgang,

I think what Taan suggested is actually a good answer - add the “external”
person to the ticket as an AdminCc. You’ll need to make sure that the
AdminCc role has update rights to tickets through the queue’s Group Rights
screen (or if it’s right for you, through Global Group Rights).


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)


i agree; it is a good answer
but all correspondence from the “external” gets “unfiltered” to the
And that is what I don’t want

Any further suggestions ?

“Stephen Turner” sturner@MIT.EDU schrieb am 13.10.2006 16:34:56:

-----Original Message-----

I’m looking for a way not to change the ticket owner; in case
of external support,
I don’t want to change the ticket owner to the external
person; that’s what I mean with
“not loosing control”.

  • Shall we open a new ticket, make the external person the
    ticket owner an link this new ticket as child to the original
  • somewhere on the wiki there was a patch “split ticket”
    (before the wiki got spammed again); any experience ?
  • any other thought’s


For product support we set the ticket owner as the person
who actually
responds to the request (ie communicates with the customer),
and include
people who are required to add information to a ticket in order to
resolve it as AdminCCs.


Hello Wolfgang,

I think what Taan suggested is actually a good answer - add the
person to the ticket as an AdminCc. You’ll need to make sure that the
AdminCc role has update rights to tickets through the queue’s Group
screen (or if it’s right for you, through Global Group Rights).


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)

Wolfgang Fuertbauer (e-Mail: Wolfgang.Fuertbauer@ebewe.com)
EBEWE Pharma
Mondseestrasse 11
4866 Unterach, Austria
Tel +43 7665 8123 315 Mobile: +43 664 8397987
Fax +43 7665 8123 1487

Hi Wolfgang,

If you need to manually filter all input from contractors before sending
it to requestors then having the contractors send you emails which you
cut-and-paste or forward to the appropriate ticket is about as simple as
you can make it.

You could also pass all contractor mail through rt-mailgate, making sure
it was sent as a “Comment”. This would then never be sent to the
Requestors (with a default RT setup). You could then decide which comments
should be sent to the Requestors and manually create an email for them.

I guess it depends on the percentage of contractor emails you deem
acceptable to send directly to Requestors.
