
Hi Folks, I’m having trouble with a few things on a new set up of RT
3.0.9 running on RH 9.0. I’ve found some things in the archives and the
install notes, but nothing has helped. The first problem is that I can’t
see any icons on any of the web pages. Everything else on the pages
renders properly, and I can see the icons if I do something like:


This is what I have in my RT_SiteConfig.pm based on what I’ve read:

$WebPath = “”;
$WebBaseURL = “http://xxx.xxx.com”;
$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . “/”;
$WebImagesURL = $WebURL.“/NoAuth/images/”;
$LogoURL = $WebImagesURL.“rt.jpg”;

I’ve set these every which way based on the docs and the list archives
to no avail. One thing I’ve noticed when I look at the page source is
that it shows something like this for the icons:


I don’t know where that /rt/share/html is coming from-I’ve looked in the
header files and can’t figure it out. Any ideas?

My second problem is that I can’t send email and have RT create a
ticket. Comments and correspondence work fine with email after the
ticket has been created in the Web UI, but I can’t send an email to
rt@xxx.xxx.com and have it create a ticket. This is what I have in my
aliases file, and I’m sending to rt@xxx.xxx.com to create the ticket.

rt: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action
correspond --url http://xxx.xxx.com

rt-comment: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action
comment --url http://xxx.xxx.com

Any ideas? This is my first RT install, and I’m not a big web guy, so
TIA for any insight you might have…Kevin

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do

This is what I have in my RT_SiteConfig.pm based on what I’ve read:

$WebPath = “”;
$WebBaseURL = “http://xxx.xxx.com”;
$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . “/”;
$WebImagesURL = $WebURL.“/NoAuth/images/”;
$LogoURL = $WebImagesURL.“rt.jpg”;

I’ve set these every which way based on the docs and the list archives
to no avail. One thing I’ve noticed when I look at the page source is
that it shows something like this for the icons:


weird, those settings certainly look fine, and offhand, I can’t think
of anything else there might be. Did you stop and start apache?

My second problem is that I can’t send email and have RT create a
ticket. Comments and correspondence work fine with email after the
ticket has been created in the Web UI, but I can’t send an email to
rt@xxx.xxx.com and have it create a ticket. This is what I have in my
aliases file, and I’m sending to rt@xxx.xxx.com to create the ticket.

Without MTA logs, it’s awfully hard to guess… But, are you sure your
acl is correct? Create is different than Reply.


Was a solution found??
I have the same problem it although i have been able to view images on
login pages. The problem appears for me to be relative addressing

on the queue’s page the image is expected to be in
instead of /NoAuth/images

it is the same for html docs in other directories

Kenneth Walker walkerk@ez-dsp.com writes:

Was a solution found??
I have the same problem it although i have been able to view images on
login pages. The problem appears for me to be relative addressing

on the queue’s page the image is expected to be in
instead of /NoAuth/images

could be an error in your config file, perhaps a missing slash. What
are the variables you set related to the web path stuff?
