This may be a silly question, but what does the Tools option do? It has
a sub-element Offline: can that be Online? It’s not in the book…
This may be a silly question, but what does the Tools option do? It has
a sub-element Offline: can that be Online? It’s not in the book…
This may be a silly question, but what does the Tools option do? It has
a sub-element Offline: can that be Online? It’s not in the book…
It’s a way to create or update a bunch of tickets from a spreadsheet or
text template. It’s not widely used. I’ve been toying with pulling it
out into an RT::Extension.
How do I change the way the new ticket creation screen
looks? I have many custom fields that just run the
length of the ticket screen. I would like these
fields to perhaps go into two colums making a much
shorter page. I’m running rt 3.4.4
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How do I change the way the new ticket creation screen
looks? I have many custom fields that just run the
length of the ticket screen. I would like these
fields to perhaps go into two colums making a much
shorter page. I’m running rt 3.4.4
It would be nice if the custom fields (or all fields)
were assigned CSS ids and classes so a little CSS
magic would allow for tweaking layout. Of course,
CSS ids have to be unique but custom fields names
do not have to be unique. That is unfortunate as the
id may have to be the database id. Hmmm.