Web and Encoding on RedHat EL5


I try to setup my RT on an ES5, all is working fine, except when I try
to update fields (like queues descriptions) via the wen interface with
non ascii chars. The result seems to be a mix of UTF-8 / ISO8859-1 :frowning:

Same setup worked on RH ES4.

It’s running with mod_perl2, DefaultCharset is ok in apache (UTF-8)
database (Oracle 10g) is also ok (NLS_…).

Inserting data via sqlplus makes no problems.

Updating/reading queues description via a simple custom RT perl script
is ok (output of reading via this perl script is ISO8859 like with
another working RT instance).

Just the web that is not working :frowning:

Maybe a probleme with Mason or mod_perl, but I cannot find what.

FYI, accents in web pages (not from database) are ok.

Any hint/help would be welcome :wink:


I try to setup my RT on an ES5, all is working fine, except when I try
to update fields (like queues descriptions) via the wen interface with
non ascii chars. The result seems to be a mix of UTF-8 / ISO8859-1 :frowning:

Same setup worked on RH ES4.

It’s running with mod_perl2, DefaultCharset is ok in apache (UTF-8)
database (Oracle 10g) is also ok (NLS_…).

After configuring fastcgi instead of mod_perl2, it works :frowning:

So I will continue investigate with mod_perl2.

After configuring fastcgi instead of mod_perl2, it works :frowning:

So I will continue investigate with mod_perl2.

I can’t find the source of this problem, so I will continue using
fastcgi, sorry for mod_perl2 :wink:

Emmanuel Lacour wrote:> On Sun, Dec 02, 2007 at 04:17:29PM +0100, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:

After configuring fastcgi instead of mod_perl2, it works :frowning:

So I will continue investigate with mod_perl2.

I can’t find the source of this problem, so I will continue using
fastcgi, sorry for mod_perl2 :wink:
I had to use the following line in /etc/init.d/apache2, and I’m using
mod_perl2 (ubuntu 7.04)

ENV=“env -i LANG=C PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin

Its one line and I added the NLS_LANG part. Without it I had problems
with � etc.



Its one line and I added the NLS_LANG part. Without it I had problems
with � etc.

It works :))

Thanks you very much! Under RH, I added exactly the same ENV as RT does
in lib/RT/Handle.pm, in /etc/sysconfig/httpd:

export NLS_NCHAR=“AL32UTF8”

Emmanuel Lacour