View user details

I have all user details in my user DB.
But my priviledged users see only a couple of the attributes, username,
mail, real name, gecos and organisation
But I miss for example comments or description, phone number and so on,
as root I can see the data.
Where can I set wich attributes my priviledged users can see, or let
them see all? Or which right is it?




I’ve mentioned this problem once, maybe it’s worth opening a ticket:

Privileged users without AdminUsers right cannot (could not by the time of testing)
see other user’s details.

Also it would be nice to allow unprivileged users to edit their own contact
details, or at least see them.

Stan— Senoner Samuel wrote:

I have all user details in my user DB.
But my priviledged users see only a couple of the attributes, username,
mail, real name, gecos and organisation
But I miss for example comments or description, phone number and so on,
as root I can see the data.
Where can I set wich attributes my priviledged users can see, or let
them see all? Or which right is it?

Hi Stanislav!
We didn’t hear from you for a long time.
Did you had time to look at rt-crontool Mail sending problem? I know you
know rt-crontool very good.

Anyway I see just some user details, not all and not nothing. Strange.
It whould be helpful to know where to set this options, there is the
right modify self, but I think for unpriviledged users this belongs to
password only.

SamuelFrom: Stanislav Sinyagin []
Sent: Tuesday,16 September,2003 13:53


I’ve mentioned this problem once, maybe it’s worth opening a ticket:

Privileged users without AdminUsers right cannot (could not by the time
of testing) see other user’s details.

Also it would be nice to allow unprivileged users to edit their own
contact details, or at least see them.


We didn’t hear from you for a long time.
Did you had time to look at rt-crontool Mail sending problem? I know you
know rt-crontool very good.

well, not really. Since August, I’m involved in a long-term project
in an office where security policy prohibits outgoing SSH. Thus I can access
our corporate RT via web only, as a normal user. You will probably hear
some “developer’s” input from me in half a year or so.

Anyway I see just some user details, not all and not nothing. Strange.
It whould be helpful to know where to set this options, there is the
right modify self, but I think for unpriviledged users this belongs to
password only.

In some old interim 3.0 version, unprivileged user could see its own details,
but it suddenly reduced to password only.



I’ve mentioned this problem once, maybe it’s worth opening a ticket:

Privileged users without AdminUsers right cannot (could not by the time of testing)
see other user’s details.

That’s by design. Arguably, there should be a permission for something
like “BrowseUsers”.

Also it would be nice to allow unprivileged users to edit their own contact
details, or at least see them.

There are many scenarios where sites might not even want users to know
that they’re interested in tracking such information, let alone that
they already have it. Though a tool for selfservice that uses a system
user that does have AdminUsers to let a user edit their own metadata
is something that should be pretty trivial to write.


I have all user details in my user DB.
But my priviledged users see only a couple of the attributes, username,
mail, real name, gecos and organisation
But I miss for example comments or description, phone number and so on,
as root I can see the data.
Where can I set wich attributes my priviledged users can see, or let
them see all? Or which right is it?

rt-devel mailing list

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Sorry if I am so insistent, but I see some details if I am a privildged
users, not all details but some.
Where can I find the setting wich settings are viewable by priviledged
users and wich not?
My Users shouldn’t be able to change the details, because they are
imported, but my staff should be able to see all of them not just
username realname, mailaddress, gecos and organisation.


SamuelFrom: Jesse Vincent []
Sent: Wednesday,17 September,2003 08:50
To: Stanislav Sinyagin


I’ve mentioned this problem once, maybe it’s worth opening a ticket:

Privileged users without AdminUsers right cannot (could not by the
time of testing) see other user’s details.

That’s by design. Arguably, there should be a permission for something
like “BrowseUsers”.

Also it would be nice to allow unprivileged users to edit their own
contact details, or at least see them.

There are many scenarios where sites might not even want users to know
that they’re interested in tracking such information, let alone that
they already have it. Though a tool for selfservice that uses a system
user that does have AdminUsers to let a user edit their own metadata
is something that should be pretty trivial to write.


I have all user details in my user DB.
But my priviledged users see only a couple of the attributes,
username, mail, real name, gecos and organisation But I miss for
example comments or description, phone number and so on, as root I
can see the data.
Where can I set wich attributes my priviledged users can see, or let

them see all? Or which right is it?

rt-devel mailing list

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.
rt-devel mailing list

Sorry if I am so insistent, but I see some details if I am a privildged
users, not all details but some.
Where can I find the setting wich settings are viewable by priviledged
users and wich not?

lib/RT/ Have a look at

sub Value and sub _ClassAccessible.

(And modify as you see fit for your organization)

Privileged users without AdminUsers right cannot (could not by the time of testing)
see other user’s details.

That’s by design. Arguably, there should be a permission for something
like “BrowseUsers”.

Yes it should. Often it’s a secretary who inserts the customer
telephone numbers and addresses, and the support engineers need that data
for reading only.