View tickets opened by a member of my group


How do I assign permissions such that everyone in a certain group can
view a ticket when a single member of their group opens a ticket in
some queue?

i.e., suppose I have two queues:


and two affiliated groups:


and some associated users:


If MarketingUser1 opens up a ticket in AccountingQueue, everyone in
AccountingGroup will see that ticket, in addition to MarketingUser1
(because he opened it).

But MarketingUser2 will not see this ticket, because he doesn’t have
access permissions to AccountingQueue, nor did he open the ticket.

I would like for everyone in MarketingGroup to be able to view this
ticket. This is for RT 3.4.x.



How do I assign permissions such that everyone in a certain group can
view a ticket when a single member of their group opens a ticket in
some queue?


If MarketingUser1 opens up a ticket in AccountingQueue, everyone in
AccountingGroup will see that ticket, in addition to MarketingUser1
(because he opened it).

But MarketingUser2 will not see this ticket, because he doesn’t have
access permissions to AccountingQueue, nor did he open the ticket.

I would like for everyone in MarketingGroup to be able to view this
ticket. This is for RT 3.4.x.

Can you not just give the MarketingGroup group SeeQueue and ShowTicket
privs. for the AccountingQueue queue?

  • Ken.

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How do I assign permissions such that everyone in a certain group
can view a ticket when a single member of their group opens a ticket
in some queue?

Can you not just give the MarketingGroup group SeeQueue and ShowTicket
privs. for the AccountingQueue queue?

Ah, I forgot to mention another constraint: We don’t want one group to
see all of the tickets in another group’s queue, only ones that they
have opened.



Did you get any answers for this?


N.J. Thomas wrote:

How do I assign permissions such that everyone in a certain group
can view a ticket when a single member of their group opens a ticket
in some queue?

Did you get any answers for this?

Yes, I received a scrip right now (off the list) from someone who needed
similar functionailty. I’ve not yet tested it though.
