We have set rtname in a RT_SiteConfig.pm to our company name. Everything works fine except when executing rt-crontool from crontab to for example send out a reminder of stalled tickets with a template as message. Then the subject has the string [example.com#123456] “” is stalled
/opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg “Status = ‘stalled’ AND Due is NULL AND Told < ‘7 days ago’ AND Queue = ‘Support’ AND Owner != ‘Operations’” --action RT::Action::RecordComment --template ‘Stalled tickets’
Is RT_SiteConfig.pm not read when executing rt_crontool?
Sorry for being unclear. It’s in emails the subjects are wrong, “example.com” not overridden with organisation name, when sent from crontab using rt-crontool. Correspondance sent from RT web UI gets the correct subject. It seems to us RT_SiteConfig.pm is not read when using rt-crontool for correspondance.
We don’t forward any ticket. We use a query (see thread start) and a template to create a comment in all tickets which have been stalled to long. The comment triggers an email to be sent to the ticket owner and to RT-Send-Cc. The subject of the sent email is prefixed with [example.com] though we have changed rtname in RT_SiteConfig.pm to mirror our organisation.
Example of template created in RT-Admin-Global-Templates:
Subject: “{$Ticket->Subject}” is stalled
RT-Send-Cc: cc@company.se
Ticket {$Ticket->id} is stalled for seven days or more with no customer communication. Please consider to put the ticket in status pend_client.
Right, my mistake on the forward part. Does the ticket have a subject value? Or do you see “(No subject given)” for the body of the tickets where you see “[example.com#123456] “” is stalled” as the email subject header?
If the ticket that the crontool is sending the email out for doesn’t have a subject value then the header for the email subject here Subject: “{$Ticket->Subject}” is stalled will be empty quotes around the ticket subject, like you are saying you are seeing. You could change the code to this if you wanted to have a message saying no subject was provided:
Subject: “{$Ticket->Subject || '(No subject given)'}” is stalled
No. We have a subject in the ticket and it’s correct in the email sent out but it’s prefixed with [example. com] though we have configured rtname in RT_SiteConfig.pm to reflect our organisation.
In my example above “Company Portal: Documents are not working” is the subject but as you can see it has example.com as prefix. Example if rtname = company.se
[example.com] #741632] “Company Portal: Documents are not working” is stalled
[company.se] #741632] “Company Portal: Documents are not working” is stalled
a) Have you cleared the Mason cache and restarted the web server on the RT machine?
b) Do a recursive grep for “example.com” in the /opt/rt4/ hierarchy to see if it appears anywhere. For example if you have a /opt/rt4/local/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm it will take precedence over /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm (assuming RT is built in /opt/rt4 obviously).
Just a thought here: did the original tickets get created before you changed the settings to company.se?
Also check (as this has happened before) that you don’t have two Set($rtname, '....'); calls in your RT_SiteConfig.pm (easy to do by accident if you either have long config, or split it into separate files in a subdirectory).
We digged into this after seven months and it seems to me we now have solved the issue. The theory is that RT_SiteConfig.pm is not read when executing rt_crontool from crontab. Though it says in RT_Config.pm “NEVER EDIT RT_Config.pm” we changed $rtname and $Organization to mirror our setting in RT_SiteConfig.pm and now the subject for tickets are correct.