Using $AutoCreate

Where can I get a list of all of the options that can be passed by
$AutoCreate? Are all of the Create hash params in what I’m looking
for? It doesn’t seem like they would be because I have “Privileged” set,
but according to the documentation the Create “Privileged” hash param
returns a value rather than sets it whereas the “SetPrivileged” param
actually sets the value.


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at
all.” - God; Futurama

“We’ll get along much better once you accept that you’re wrong and neither
am I.” - Me

Where can I get a list of all of the options that can be passed by $AutoCreate? Are all of the
Create hash params in what I’m looking for? It doesn’t seem like they would be
because I have “Privileged” set, but according to the documentation the Create “Privileged”
hash param returns a value rather than sets it whereas the “SetPrivileged” param actually sets
the value.

$AutoCreate is just a series of parameters passed to User->Create as
you note, so whatever is legal there is legal in the config option.
