Using approvals in RT3.0

We’re using RT3.0 now, and I’m interested in getting the advertised
Approvals system working.

I think I’m clear on the concept as RT is supposed to implement it, but
the 3.0 documentation seems somewhat confusing on this matter, at least
from a newbie perspective. Appendix 5 appears to hold all of the keys,
but I’m not clear on where the various code chunks in that appendix are
supposed to go in a real RT system.

Can anyone offer any pointers (okay, step-by-step instructions would be
nice too :slight_smile: for getting approvals working?


Can anyone offer any pointers (okay, step-by-step instructions would be
nice too :slight_smile: for getting approvals working?

(Not much a pointer but a heads-up)

I’m currently busily implementing an alternative UI set for RT,
and just finished the Workflow editing part, which saves the
admin from hand-editing the Create-Ticket templates; it also sets
up the CreateTicket actions automagically.

A screenshot is available at
and the code lives in I’ll be
de-chinesify the UI in the next week and hopefully merge the
functionality back to the ‘canonical’ UI (if time allows), which
will then be available at our development branch snapshot:

Note that this is a branch, not a fork – the tree merges from Jesse’s
main tree at every point release, and merges upstream periodically.


  1. Create a global (or not) template. This template will be used to create
    “approval tickets”.
    Name it as you want, and but the text between the “--------” below in
    “content” section.
    ===Create-Ticket: codereview
    Queue: Approbations
    Type: Approval
    Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{‘TOP’}->Id}
    Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so
    they can finish their work

When fired, this template creates a ticket in queue “approbations” (change
it for your queue) of type “approval” and links it to the parent ticket.

  1. Create a scrip in your main queue (in order to avoid loops in tickets and
    approval creation, they should not reside in the same queue). Parameters are
  • Condition : On creation
  • Action : Create ticket
  • Model : using template above.
  1. Now, if you create a new ticket in your main queue, a children ticket of
    type approval will be automatically created in the approval queue. you’ll
    see it by clicking on the “approbation” link. You can approve, reject, or do
    nothing on the ticket.

This is a very basic example just to give you a start. You can find more
details in Jesse’s documentation on which variables can be used in ticket
creation to get some more useful behaviour.

Blaise.On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 10:53:13AM -0500, Chris Hardie wrote:

Can anyone offer any pointers (okay, step-by-step instructions would be
nice too :slight_smile: for getting approvals working?

(Not much a pointer but a heads-up)

I’m currently busily implementing an alternative UI set for RT,
and just finished the Workflow editing part, which saves the
admin from hand-editing the Create-Ticket templates; it also sets
up the CreateTicket actions automagically.

A screenshot is available at
and the code lives in I’ll be
de-chinesify the UI in the next week and hopefully merge the
functionality back to the ‘canonical’ UI (if time allows), which
will then be available at our development branch snapshot:

Note that this is a branch, not a fork – the tree merges from Jesse’s
main tree at every point release, and merges upstream periodically.
