Users Changing User Passwords

Good evening everyone! I’m a fairly-new-to-RT administrator, and have just
managed to get RT 2 up and running (YAY)… now I have a question or three :slight_smile:

Users can’t seem to change their own passwords. I see in the FAQ that it
says to give them the “ModifySelf” right. I gather I need to do this with
rtadmin, but the syntax isn’t too clear. I’ve tried:

rtadmin --user ges --grant-right ModifySelf
(with no reply or change)

rtadmin --user ges ModifySelf
(with no reply or change)

rtadmin --user ges +odifySelf
(with no reply or change)

Since I can’t seem to find a manpage on rtadmin, I thought I’d sign on and
ask people here for some assistance… :slight_smile:

Oh–second question… this is the doozy… people in my company are
adamant about not liking cookies. Can anyone point me in the right
direction for configuring RT2 to not use cookies for authentication?


Glenn E. Sieb, System Administrator
Lumeta Corp.
+1 732 357-3514 (V)
+1 732 564-0731 (Fax)