User Search ticket

Hello, could be arranged in RT 4.4 so that the user could search the ticker text in the ticket ticker when entering the ticket? The user can search only with a ticket number, which is not enough for users. Thank you

you can search for various things through that search field. Owner, requestor, queue, even fulltext if configured,… For details read the notice at http://your_rt_server/Search/Simple.html and the help on rt-wiki.

Hello, I need to search for tickets as a user tzn url. http://your_rt_server/SelfService/… Will I have a user right? The user can create and display his tickets from his queue.
Thank you

The simple search searches for tickets in Active state and in the queues where the user has right to display the tickets. You can not search the tickets for which you have no right of viewing… Maybe I don’t understand the question correctly. What exactly do you need to accomplish?

Hello. I need to make a search for the content of the sheet from the customer’s point of view. When I log in as a customer, I only have a ticket ID search. I need to search the content of the ticket.

1.When I looked into the html code of the logged-in user, it is the Display.html script that displays the ticket by ID

  1. When I looked into the html code of the admina login, the Simple / Search.html search script searches for tickets by content.

  2. So I could do a symlink to search for a regular user ln -s /opt/rt4/share/html/Search/ script/opt/rt4/share/html/SelfService/Search to have access to the sketch and then edit the script /opt/rt4/share/html/SelfService/Elements/GotoTicket so I can use Simple / Search.html over the web

  3. The problem is that when I want to search for ticket content under a regular user, I do not see the content of the ticket even though I have the right to display the ticket and the ticket is active. see

search as a regular user

same search as admin.

5.The search should display this ticket. The Ticket will only appear when you manually open (Manual Search in Open Tickets)

Thank you for answer

AFAIK there is no need to link the html files. If I understand that correctly, you have privileged users (have authorized access to RT) who can not search the tickets. It should be sufficient then to give all privileged users the rights SeeQueue and ShowTicket. Or if not to all privileged, then to Requestor and Cc.