User only load by E-mail or by id

------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012
13:22:50 +0200 From: Gergely Buday To: Subject: [rt-users] RT::User problem
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi there, I would like to
create a User object through the Load method. The documentation writes:
“Load a user object from the database. Takes a single argument. If the
argument is numerical, load by the column ‘id’. If a user object or its
subclass passed then loads the same user by id. Otherwise, load by the
“Name” column which is the user’s textual username.” #!/usr/bin/perl use
strict; use lib “/opt/rt4/lib”; use lib “/opt/rt4/local/lib”; use RT;
use RT::User; RT->LoadConfig; RT->Init; my $test_user =
RT::User::Load(‘’); printf “$test_user=”, $test_user; my
@to = $test_user->EmailAddress; for $a (0 … $#to) { print $to[$a],
“\n”; } Running this script with sudo makes it say [Mon Aug 13 11:16:47
2012] [crit]: Can’t call method “EmailAddress” on an undefined value at
./ line 13. (/opt/rt4/lib/ Can’t call method
“EmailAddress” on an undefined value at ./ line 13. The username
I used in the place of is indeed a valid user name. What
is the problem then? - Gergely

Hello Gergely,

you can only load a user by id or by E-mail address. The routine is




you can only load a user by id or by E-mail address. The routine is

At last a friend suggested

my $user = RT::User->new( RT->SystemUser );

and it worked.

  • Gergely