User batch add script failing

I was wondering if anyone could help shed some light on the problem
I’m having with a batch user creation script I’m writing. The rt.log
shows basically a steady stream of ‘Could not create a new user’

I can see in the extra mysql logging that I turned on that things are
starting off normally for the Principals table portion, but falls off
when it gets to the Users table. Here is a snippet of log for the
creation of one user.

14 Query     set autocommit=1
14 Query     SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE id = '8282828282100011'
14 Query     SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE EmailAddress =

14 Query set autocommit=0
14 Query INSERT INTO Principals (PrincipalType, Disabled,
ObjectId) VALUES (‘User’, ‘0’, ‘0’)
14 Query SELECT * FROM Principals WHERE id = ‘1237’
14 Query UPDATE Principals SET ObjectId=‘1237’ WHERE id=‘1237’
14 Query SELECT * FROM Users WHERE EmailAddress =
14 Query rollback
14 Query set autocommit=1

Here’s the hash of user information after it’s been assembled before
it gets passed to the Create method of my RT::User object:

$user fields before create_1 = {
“Comments” => “Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql db”,
“Privileged” => 0,
“City” => “ROCHESTER”,
“State” => “NH”,
“EmailAddress” => “”,
“Gecos” => 327830,
“HomePhone” => “6039999999”,
“Password” => “placeholderpassword.16”,
“Address1” => “21 JARVIS AVE”,
“Disabled” => 0,
“WorkPhone” => “0000000000”,
“Zip” => “03868”,
“Name” => “8282828282100011”

Here is the id and message I get back from the Create method:

$User create result id_1 = 0;
$User create result Message_1 = “Could not create user”;

I threw in some extra debugging output manually into RT/ in the
Create function as well. I can see that when the $principal->Create
method is called, it populates $principal_id correctly. The mysql log
output above shows that the call to $principal->__Set is taking place.
However, the $self->SUPER::Create is definitely not behaving as
expected because $self->Id comes back undefined and I have no idea

I’m running rt-4.0.6 on a CentOS 6.2 server with just the stock
perl-5.10.1. I’ve already successfully done an rtldapimportant to get
my employee accounts all working.


Set($LogToFile, ‘debug’);
Set($LogStackTraces, ‘debug’);
Set( $rtname, ‘’);
Set($WebPath, ‘’);
Set($WebBaseURL , ‘’);
Set($WebImagesURL , $WebPath . ‘/NoAuth/images/’);
Set( $WebDomain, ‘’ );
Set(@Plugins, (‘RT::Authen::ExternalAuth’,
‘RT::Extension::LDAPImport’, ‘RT::OnlineDocs’));
Set($ExternalAuthPriority, [
Set($ExternalInfoPriority, [
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0);
Set($ExternalSettings, {
‘Metrocast_LDAP’ => { ##snipped
‘Metrocast_LDAP_Customers’ => { ##snipped

Here’s the actual script I’m running:


use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.10.0;

use Getopt::Long;

use YAML::Any qw/LoadFile/;

use MC;
use MC::LDAP;
use MC::DB::MySQL;


use lib ‘/opt/rt4/lib’;

use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser loc);


use RT;
use RT::Util;

use RT::Tickets;
use RT::CurrentUser;
use RT::CustomField;
use RT::Transaction;

use RT::Config;



Make sure external auth is disabled and autocreate is enabled.

RT->Config->Set( ExternalInfoPriority => [ ] );
RT->Config->Set( Plugins => [‘RT::OnlineDocs’] );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreate => { Privileged => 0 } );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreateNonExternalUsers => 1 );

our $opts = LoadFile(‘/root/.dataload.yaml’)
or die “LoadFile error: $!\n”;

our $rtopts = LoadFile(‘/root/.rt.yaml’);

$opts->{conf_filename} = ‘/root/.dataload.conf’;
$opts->{lockfile} = ‘/tmp/.dataload.lock’;
$opts->{debug} = 1;
$opts->{verbose} = 0;
$opts->{test} = 0;

GetOptions( $opts,



From my database columns (doing SELECT … AS to match up the names)

my @db_account_fields = qw(

my $dbgfh = 0;

if ( $opts->{debug} ) {

$dbgfh = FileHandle->new( '/tmp/rt_create_user.debuglog', '>>' )
    or die "Error opening debuglog: $!\n";

print $dbgfh "Begin $0 debug log ----- " . scalar localtime() . "\n";


Verify external auth plugins are disabled…

ddump( $dbgfh, ‘RT->Config->Get(Plugins)’, RT->Config->Get(‘Plugins’)
) if $opts->{debug};

ddump( $dbgfh, ‘rt methods’, Class::Inspector->methods( ‘RT’, ‘full’,
‘public’ ) );

my $MCDB = MC::DB::MySQL->new({ opts => $opts, debugfh => $dbgfh });
my $MCL = MC::LDAP->new({ opts => $opts, debugfh => $dbgfh });

my $conf = $MCDB->{conf};

Grab all my customer info

my $customer_accounts = fetch_db_accounts();

die “No RT server url!\n”
unless defined $rtopts->{rt_url} && $rtopts->{rt_url};

die “No RT username!\n”
unless defined $rtopts->{rt_username} && $rtopts->{rt_username};

die “No RT password!\n”
unless defined $rtopts->{rt_password} && $rtopts->{rt_password};

my $counter = 1;

my $User = RT::User->new( $RT::SystemUser );

for ( keys %$customer_accounts ) {

ddump( $dbgfh, 'current_account', $customer_accounts->{$_} ) if


my %user_fields = (
        Disabled      => 0,
        Privileged    => 0,
        EmailAddress  => "devnull.${counter}\",
        Password      => "placeholderpassword.${counter}",
        Comments      => 'Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql db',

for my $field ( @db_account_fields ) {

    ddump( $dbgfh, 'current_field', $field ) if $opts->{debug};

    # Ignore fields that don't have a value
    if ( defined $customer_accounts->{$_}->{$field}
         &&      $customer_accounts->{$_}->{$field} ) {

        ddump( $dbgfh, 'current_field_has_a_value',

$customer_accounts->{$_}->{$field} ) if $opts->{debug};

        $user_fields{$field} = $customer_accounts->{$_}->{$field};



ddump( $dbgfh, 'user fields before create', \%user_fields ) if


ddump( $dbgfh, 'user object after new', $User ) if $opts->{debug};

my ( $id, $Message ) = $User->Create( %user_fields );

ddump( $dbgfh, 'User create result id', $id ) if $opts->{debug};
ddump( $dbgfh, 'User create result Message', $Message ) if $opts->{debug};

ddump( $dbgfh, 'user object after create', $User ) if $opts->{debug};
ddump( $dbgfh, 'user object methods', Class::Inspector->methods(

ref $User, ‘full’, ‘public’ ) ) if $opts->{debug};



if ( $opts->{debug} ) {

And here’s some rt.log output:

[Wed Jun 27 22:43:04 2012] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: 21
JARVIS AVE, City: ROCHESTER, Comments: Autocreate from metrocast
customer mysql db, Disabled: , EmailAddress:,
Gecos: 327830, HomePhone: 6039999999, Name: 8282828282100011,
Password: placeholderpassword.16, Privileged: , RealName: METROCAST
TEST ACCT HBO ONLY NoHSI, State: NH, WorkPhone: 0000000000, Zip: 03868
Trace begun at /opt/rt6/lib/ line 250

‘RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo’, ‘returning’,
‘Address1: 21 JARVIS AVE, City: ROCHESTER, Comments: Autocreate from
metrocast customer mysql db, Disabled: , EmailAddress:, Gecos: 327830, HomePhone: 6039999999, Name:
8282828282100011, Password: placeholderpassword.16, Privileged: ,
0000000000, Zip: 03868’) called at
line 651

‘HASH(0x25302d0)’) called at
line 668

‘HASH(0x25302d0)’) called at /opt/rt4/lib/RT/ line 137

RT::User::Create(‘RT::User=HASH(0x38af218)’, ‘Comments’, ‘Autocreate
from metrocast customer mysql db’, ‘Privileged’, 0, ‘City’,
‘State’, ‘NH’, ‘EmailAddress’, ‘’, ‘Gecos’,
327830, ‘HomePhone’, 6039999999, ‘Password’, ‘placeholderpassword.16’,
‘Address1’, ‘21 JARVIS AVE’, ‘Disabled’, 0, ‘WorkPhone’, 0000000000,
‘Zip’, 03868, ‘Name’, 8282828282100011) called at line 166

[Wed Jun 27 22:43:04 2012] [error]: Could not create a new user -
Comments-Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql
db-RealName-METROCAST TEST ACCT HBO ONLY!sha512!G020YZAYl+tYGnAs!1kzwrXghKFKxJPSiK+WnFN5mNcpQactP4F4vcC8x52D0BF7GHGpfU+Yf6mPtw0ZAYh4j8T7c8++KWVaKwXHAAQ-HomePhone-6039999999-Address1-21
JARVIS AVE-Zip-03868-WorkPhone-0000000000-Name-8282828282100011
Trace begun at /opt/rt4/lib/ line 250

Log::Dispatch::ANON(‘Log::Dispatch=HASH(0x3ae3d20)’, ‘Could not
create a new user - Comments-Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql
db-RealName-METROCAST TEST ACCT HBO ONLY!sha512!G020YZAYl+tYGnAs!1kzwrXghKFKxJPSiK+WnFN5mNcpQactP4F4vcC8x52D0BF7GHGpfU+Yf6mPtw0ZAYh4j8T7c8++KWVaKwXHAAQ-HomePhone-6039999999-Address1-21
JARVIS AVE-Zip-03868-WorkPhone-0000000000-Name-8282828282100011’)
called at /opt/rt4/lib/RT/ line 206

RT::User::Create(‘RT::User=HASH(0x38af218)’, ‘Comments’, ‘Autocreate
from metrocast customer mysql db’, ‘Privileged’, 0, ‘City’,
‘State’, ‘NH’, ‘EmailAddress’, ‘’, ‘Gecos’,
327830, ‘HomePhone’, 6039999999, ‘Password’, ‘placeholderpassword.16’,
‘Address1’, ‘21 JARVIS AVE’, ‘Disabled’, 0, ‘WorkPhone’, 0000000000,
‘Zip’, 03868, ‘Name’, 8282828282100011) called at line 166

Any clues why this is failing?


Andy Harrison
public key: 0x67518262

The fact that you see errors like this:

[Wed Jun 27 22:43:04 2012] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: 21
JARVIS AVE, City: ROCHESTER, Comments: Autocreate from metrocast
customer mysql db, Disabled: , EmailAddress:,
Gecos: 327830, HomePhone: 6039999999, Name: 8282828282100011,
Password: placeholderpassword.16, Privileged: , RealName: METROCAST
TEST ACCT HBO ONLY NoHSI, State: NH, WorkPhone: 0000000000, Zip: 03868
Trace begun at /opt/rt6/lib/ line 250

Means that your code below to clobber Plugins isn’t working, in large
part because the Plugins have already been loaded during LoadConfig
and Init.

use RT::Config;



Make sure external auth is disabled and autocreate is enabled.

RT->Config->Set( ExternalInfoPriority => );
RT->Config->Set( Plugins => [‘RT::OnlineDocs’] );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreate => { Privileged => 0 } );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreateNonExternalUsers => 1 );

You may find it easier to cheat and run your script with
and doesn’t declare any of your ExternalAuth

Also, pelase note that AutoCreate only comes into play for users
created in the WebUI, so is irrelevant here. Also,
AutoCreateNonExternalUsers is an RT-Authen-ExternalAuth config option
and is irrelevant if you’re disabling RT-Authen-ExternalAuth.

If you don’t want a second site config, you’ll need to ensure that
your config changes happen before RT loads and parses plugins.


The fact that you see errors like this:

[Wed Jun 27 22:43:04 2012] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: 21
JARVIS AVE, City: ROCHESTER, Comments: Autocreate from metrocast
customer mysql db, Disabled: , EmailAddress:,
Gecos: 327830, HomePhone: 6039999999, Name: 8282828282100011,
Password: placeholderpassword.16, Privileged: , RealName: METROCAST
TEST ACCT HBO ONLY NoHSI, State: NH, WorkPhone: 0000000000, Zip: 03868
Trace begun at /opt/rt6/lib/ line 250

Means that your code below to clobber Plugins isn’t working, in large
part because the Plugins have already been loaded during LoadConfig
and Init.

use RT::Config;



Make sure external auth is disabled and autocreate is enabled.

RT->Config->Set( ExternalInfoPriority => );
RT->Config->Set( Plugins => [‘RT::OnlineDocs’] );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreate => { Privileged => 0 } );
RT->Config->Set( AutoCreateNonExternalUsers => 1 );

You may find it easier to cheat and run your script with
and doesn’t declare any of your ExternalAuth

Also, pelase note that AutoCreate only comes into play for users
created in the WebUI, so is irrelevant here. Also,
AutoCreateNonExternalUsers is an RT-Authen-ExternalAuth config option
and is irrelevant if you’re disabling RT-Authen-ExternalAuth.

If you don’t want a second site config, you’ll need to ensure that
your config changes happen before RT loads and parses plugins.


Oops… I must have corked something when I was cleaning the script
up to post here, I had that taken care of previously. I was just
looking to make sure the LDAP related items weren’t showing up, didn’t
look for that telltale CanonicalizeUserInfo log entry.

Regardless, your suggestion to use the RT_SITE_CONFIG variable is
easier so I did that. It pared down the log output but the it’s still
the same problem.

[Thu Jun 28 18:20:35 2012] [error]: Could not create a new user -
Comments-Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql
db-RealName-METROCAST TEST ACCT HBO ONLY!sha512!8LUzx22g0JywKrDy!lz/mt/QovpBky0DSbAjiAg6veGNwsu4ZT2YtR6kwWxa8v3VISHtLOb7wPB271zGL87VgKZIW9LCxgR0bn+ylZA-HomePhone-6039999999-Address1-21
JARVIS AVE-Zip-03868-WorkPhone-0000000000-Name-8282828282100011
Trace begun at /opt/rt4/lib/ line 250

Log::Dispatch::ANON(‘Log::Dispatch=HASH(0x3b1dda0)’, ‘Could not
create a new user - Comments-Autocreate from metrocast customer mysql
db-RealName-METROCAST TEST ACCT HBO ONLY!sha512!8LUzx22g0JywKrDy!lz/mt/QovpBky0DSbAjiAg6veGNwsu4ZT2YtR6kwWxa8v3VISHtLOb7wPB271zGL87VgKZIW9LCxgR0bn+ylZA-HomePhone-6039999999-Address1-21
JARVIS AVE-Zip-03868-WorkPhone-0000000000-Name-8282828282100011’)
called at /opt/rt4/lib/RT/ line 280

RT::User::Create(undef, ‘Comments’, ‘Autocreate from metrocast
customer mysql db’, ‘Privileged’, 0, ‘City’, ‘ROCHESTER’, ‘RealName’,
‘METROCAST TEST ACCT HBO ONLY NoHSI’, ‘State’, ‘NH’, ‘EmailAddress’,
‘’, ‘Gecos’, 327830, ‘HomePhone’, 6039999999,
‘Password’, ‘placeholderpassword.16’, ‘Address1’, ‘21 JARVIS AVE’,
‘Disabled’, 0, ‘WorkPhone’, 0000000000, ‘Zip’, 03868, ‘Name’,
8282828282100011) called at line 166

So I started chasing down the $self->SUPER::Create from RT::User and
moved onto RT::Record and put some debugging output in there. Inside
RT::Record::Create, the $self->SUPER::Create call gets an expected
value back for $id. If I run a Dumper() directly on the
$self->Load($id), it comes back with ( 1, ‘Found Object’ ) and I
verified that none of the errno cases were matched, though that’s
obvious since $id is a plain scalar with an integer.

Since ref $self shows an RT::Principal object at this stage, I tried a
few of those methods. $self->id shows the expected integer.
$self->IsUser is 1. $self->IsGroup is undefined.
$self->PrincipalType is ‘User’. $self->Disabled is 0.
$self->ObjectId is also 0.

So, after the Load, I made a new user obj:

my $curUserObj = RT::User->new();

But then doing a Dumper( $curUserObj->Load($self->id) ) comes back
with ( 0, “Couldn’t find row” ).

Not sure how to dig deeper at this point. Any suggestions?

Andy Harrison
public key: 0x67518262

Just noticed that ValidateName() sub in RT::Record…

So, disregard this. Works a lot better now that I’m not using our
billing system’s customer account number for the Name.


Andy Harrison
public key: 0x67518262