Use of Asset Tracker "Name" field

While researching, I found this question that someone else asked back in
2005 (Carbon60: Managed Cloud Services)

No on had replied, but I was wondering the same thing, so I am hoping
that reposting it produce better results:

I was wondering
about a couple of things, firstly the “name” field in AT: What do
people use it for? For example I can understand that you might want
to record the hostname of a computer, but then not do so for monitors,
modems and other kinds of assets

In our case, we have some 150 laptops (all one of 5 models) that are out
in the home of our employees. Make/Model would be identical for most,
Hostname would be invalid, We don’t (as of now) give them a
“Company ID #”, etc.

Just wondering what others put there.

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