Upgrading using rt2-to-rt2 v1.20


I’m trying to import a rather large ticket database (~105k tickets).
Here’s what happens as I try to do the first (dump) stage:

[root@sonic rt2-to-rt3-v1.20]# time ./rt-2.0-to-dumpfile /usr/db
Out of memory during request for 1012 bytes, total sbrk() is 503975936

real 6m22.794s
user 6m7.895s
sys 0m10.456s
[root@sonic rt2-to-rt3-v1.20]#

Any ideas here? The machine has 2GB RAM and 2GB swap.

Daniel Foster
Technical Director

Daniel Foster wrote:


I’m trying to import a rather large ticket database (~105k tickets).
Here’s what happens as I try to do the first (dump) stage:

[root@sonic rt2-to-rt3-v1.20]# time ./rt-2.0-to-dumpfile /usr/db
Out of memory during request for 1012 bytes, total sbrk() is 503975936

real 6m22.794s
user 6m7.895s
sys 0m10.456s
[root@sonic rt2-to-rt3-v1.20]#

Any ideas here? The machine has 2GB RAM and 2GB swap.
As I think perl/perl modules problem.
I don’t remember depedencies on perl modules of export tool, so you can
try grep code for ‘use’ and ‘require’ and update this modules.

I don’t have memory leaks during export/import or may be didn’t mention

It’s also may be RT problem I don’t know realy. There is a few so HUGE
installations of RT2 in the community as I think.

	Best regards.

As I think perl/perl modules problem.
I don’t remember depedencies on perl modules of export tool, so you can
try grep code for ‘use’ and ‘require’ and update this modules.

Use or require lines would throw out an error at the start, as they did
when I initially ran the tool (had to install Tie::IxHash)

I don’t have memory leaks during export/import or may be didn’t mention
It’s also may be RT problem I don’t know realy. There is a few so HUGE
installations of RT2 in the community as I think.

The RT2 installation is working fine with this amount of tickets, just
that it is time to migrate it to a more powerful server, and also
presents a nice opportunity to upgrade to RT3.

Daniel Foster
Technical Director

Daniel Foster wrote:

As I think perl/perl modules problem.
I don’t remember depedencies on perl modules of export tool, so you
can try grep code for ‘use’ and ‘require’ and update this modules.
Use or require lines would throw out an error at the start, as they did
when I initially ran the tool (had to install Tie::IxHash)
I don’t have memory leaks during export/import or may be didn’t
mention them.
It’s also may be RT problem I don’t know realy. There is a few so HUGE
installations of RT2 in the community as I think.
The RT2 installation is working fine with this amount of tickets, just
that it is time to migrate it to a more powerful server, and also
presents a nice opportunity to upgrade to RT3.

Hi, Jesse, I think it may be relaited to circular references, don’t you
think so? Or RT2 don’t have such issues?

Daniel, if Jesse aprove my guess and you have expirience in perl then
you can backport several patches from 3.0.x branch which fix some memory
leaks in RT itself.

	Best regards. Ruslan.

Hi, Jesse, I think it may be relaited to circular references, don’t you
think so? Or RT2 don’t have such issues?

Could be. Could also be shell ulimits.

Daniel, if Jesse aprove my guess and you have expirience in perl then
you can backport several patches from 3.0.x branch which fix some memory
leaks in RT itself.

  Best regards. Ruslan.

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Could be. Could also be shell ulimits.

Shell was set to unlimited, but recompiling the kernel to increase the
per process limits has it going. Here’s the output from top while the
dump is running:

205 root 61 0 713M 712M CPU0 0 7:34 84.03% 84.03% perl
153 mysql 2 0 51528K 20704K poll 0 0:24 12.79% 12.79% mysqld

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :slight_smile:

Daniel Foster
Technical Director