Upgrade database from RT2 to RT3

I want to upgrade the current version of RT that I’m using (2.0.11) to the
latest released version (3.2.2).
My plan is to install the new version as if it is the very first version of RT
that I’m using and than load the contents of the database of RT2 into the
database of RT3. I think this will probably be the easiest to do, without any
risk of losing any of the old data in case something goes wrong.
However, I have not (yet) been able to find out how I can load the contents of
the old database into the new one. I did find the rt2-to-rt3 tool but it did not
exaclty help me to understand exactly how I should proceed.

I hope someone on this mailinglist can give me some pointers. Thanks in advance
for any help you can give me.

– Pieter van der Spek, pieter@west.nl

I want to upgrade the current version of RT that I’m using (2.0.11) to the
latest released version (3.2.2).
My plan is to install the new version as if it is the very first version of RT
that I’m using and than load the contents of the database of RT2 into the
database of RT3. I think this will probably be the easiest to do, without any
risk of losing any of the old data in case something goes wrong.
However, I have not (yet) been able to find out how I can load the contents of
the old database into the new one. I did find the rt2-to-rt3 tool but it did not
exaclty help me to understand exactly how I should proceed.

I hope someone on this mailinglist can give me some pointers. Thanks in advance
for any help you can give me.

– Pieter van der Spek, pieter@west.nl

Pieter van der Spek wrote:

I want to upgrade the current version of RT that I’m using (2.0.11) to the
latest released version (3.2.2).
My plan is to install the new version as if it is the very first version
of RT
that I’m using and than load the contents of the database of RT2 into the
database of RT3. I think this will probably be the easiest to do,
without any
risk of losing any of the old data in case something goes wrong.
However, I have not (yet) been able to find out how I can load the
contents of
the old database into the new one. I did find the rt2-to-rt3 tool but it
did not
exaclty help me to understand exactly how I should proceed.
What exactly don’t you understand? rt2-to-rt3 tarball has README with
all instructions.