Update warning between working hours

Dear list,

We have a crontool in use that alerts a e-mail distributionlist when a
ticket in our emergency queue has gone without an update for 15 minutes
or more. This is fine and works well.

/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg “LastUpdated <
’-15 minutes’ AND Queue = ‘Emergency’ AND Status != ‘stalled’ AND Status
!= ‘resolved’ AND Status != ‘rejected’” --action
RT::Action::RecordComment --template ‘Ignored tickets’

We now want to extend this for other queues , that notifies queue
members that a ticket has gone without an update for 3 hours (we have an
update commitment of 4 hours). The problem is, i don’t want to spam the
crap out off people and want to limit the check to between working
hours. Doing this with cron is fine, but has the downside that in the
morning it will mark every ticket as not update since it sees the last
time as yesterday. This is logical. I’m wondering if there is something
to be set for “working hours” , it’s a function that for example otrs
has. I want it in RT too :wink:

Anyone any suggestions or experience in this ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Dear list,

We have a crontool in use that alerts a e-mail distributionlist when a
ticket in our emergency queue has gone without an update for 15 minutes
or more. This is fine and works well.

/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg “LastUpdated <
‘-15 minutes’ AND Queue = ‘Emergency’ AND Status != ‘stalled’ AND Status
!= ‘resolved’ AND Status != ‘rejected’” --action
RT::Action::RecordComment --template ‘Ignored tickets’

We now want to extend this for other queues , that notifies queue
members that a ticket has gone without an update for 3 hours (we have an
update commitment of 4 hours). The problem is, i don’t want to spam the
crap out off people and want to limit the check to between working
hours. Doing this with cron is fine, but has the downside that in the
morning it will mark every ticket as not update since it sees the last
time as yesterday. This is logical. I’m wondering if there is something
to be set for “working hours” , it’s a function that for example otrs
has. I want it in RT too :wink:

Anyone any suggestions or experience in this ?

You can use SLA [1] extension to set Due date to reply deadlines
according to rules and with account of business hours. So instead of
checking LastUpdated in crontool you can check Due date:

“Due < ‘15 minutes’” - 15 minutes or less until reply

[1] RT::Extension::SLA - Service Level Agreements for RT - metacpan.org

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Best regards, Ruslan.