Update ahah.js

In the current version of ahah.js there is a problem when there are
multiple custom fields that have a value for ‘Include page’.


CustomField1: IncludePage = http://foo/baz
CustomField2: IncludePage = http://bar/baz

What I’ven seen happening:

CustomField1 displays ‘See Also: http://foo/baz
CustomField2 displays the page http://bar/baz

CustomField1 displays the page http://bar/baz (instead of http://foo/baz)
CustomField2 displays the page http://bar/baz

The attach patch fixes this by making the req a local variable as seen
on http://www.xfront.com/microformats/examples/ahah/example01/ahah.js

Another note:
ahah.js contains the line:
// Fetched from http://www.opendarwin.org/~drernie/src/ahah.js - No
Copyright - Public Domain
=> http://www.opendarwin.org/~drernie/src/ahah.js’ is gone (404)

Best regards,


0001-Make-req-a-local-variable-instead-of-a-global-one.patch (1.55 KB)