Unpriviledge users can't see Attached More Files


I am using RT version 3.6.10 and when creating tickets or replying, unprivileged
user cannot attache more than one file. There is no Attach More File as is the
case with privileged users. Is there a way to make that button available to
unprivileged users as well?


I am using RT version 3.6.10 and when creating tickets or replying,
unprivileged user cannot attache more than one file. There is no Attach
More File as is the case with privileged users. Is there a way to make
that button available to unprivileged users as well?

You have to patch RT for this (look differences between
share/html/Ticket/Create.html and share/html/SelfService/Create.html).

As of 4.0.0rc1, this is still not possible to add more than one file in

You may open a “feature request” ticket to rt-bugs@bestpractical.com for
this … with a patch :wink: