Unowned Tickets list on RT at a Glance

Can anyone think of a way to prevent tickets from certain queues from
showing up under Unowned Tickets on the RT at a Glance page?

We have users who need full access to some queues occasionally, but they
do not work with tickets from those queues on a daily basis, and are not
responsible for them. As a result it would be nice if tickets from those
queues did not show up in their unowned tickets list.

Hello,-----Original Message-----

Can anyone think of a way to prevent tickets from certain queues from
showing up under Unowned Tickets on the RT at a Glance page?

You can edit the saved search that generates the unowned list. On our
system, it’s called “[_1] newest unowned tickets” and the TicketSQL is:

Owner = ‘Nobody’ AND Queue != ‘PurpleForm’ AND ( Status = ‘new’ OR
Status = ‘open’ OR Status = ‘waiting’ )

Or conversely, I am sure you could pass in a (Queue = ‘first’ or Queue =
‘second’) to specify which queues should show.

Hope that helps,


You can also make sure that the "SeeQueue" and "ShowTicket" privileges 

are not set for Everyone (globally or per queue)or for all privileged
users, etc. and are just for the groups/users that WANT to see that
queue/tickets. If a user (individually or in a group) does not have
those privileges, I do not believe they will see unwanted queues/tickets
on their home page.


John Arends wrote: