Undefined subroutine &Scalar::Util::weaken called

Dear list

I have the RT almost up and running on a Mac OS X Server. But I ran in
another problem.

Replying to tickets isn’t possible yet. The mails aren’t sent to the
requestor. I’ve seen lots of strange error message in the apache2
error_log (several “Scrip Prepare died”). But I don’t understand what
they mean. I have Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 installed!

apache error log:

[Thu Feb 8 07:58:04 2007] [error]: Scrip Prepare 7 died. - Undefined
subroutine &Scalar::Util::weaken called at
/opt/switch/rt-3.6.1/lib/RT/Action/Generic.pm line 107.


Thanks for any help!


I’ve updated the Scalar-List-Util from 1.18 to 1.19 and this fixed my
problem with the scrips.

Thx anyway.

Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Several reasons

  1. the module has been installed from bad binary package, reinstall it
    from CPAN or compile package yourself
  2. perl and libperl have been with different options

Dear list

I have the RT almost up and running on a Mac OS X Server. But I ran in
another problem.

Replying to tickets isn’t possible yet. The mails aren’t sent to the
requestor. I’ve seen lots of strange error message in the apache2
error_log (several “Scrip Prepare died”). But I don’t understand what
they mean. I have Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 installed!

apache error log:

[Thu Feb 8 07:58:04 2007] [error]: Scrip Prepare 7 died. - Undefined
subroutine &Scalar::Util::weaken called at
/opt/switch/rt-3.6.1/lib/RT/Action/Generic.pm line 107.


Thanks for any help!


The rt-users Archives

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---- SWITCH - The Swiss Education & Research Network ----
Thomas Koch; SWITCH; Postfach; CH-8021 Zurich; Switzerland
thomas.koch@switch.ch; +41 442681586; fax: +41 442681568

Several reasons

  1. the module has been installed from bad binary package, reinstall it
    from CPAN or compile package yourself
  2. perl and libperl have been with different optionsOn 2/8/07, Thomas Koch thomas.koch@switch.ch wrote:

Dear list

I have the RT almost up and running on a Mac OS X Server. But I ran in
another problem.

Replying to tickets isn’t possible yet. The mails aren’t sent to the
requestor. I’ve seen lots of strange error message in the apache2
error_log (several “Scrip Prepare died”). But I don’t understand what
they mean. I have Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 installed!

apache error log:

[Thu Feb 8 07:58:04 2007] [error]: Scrip Prepare 7 died. - Undefined
subroutine &Scalar::Util::weaken called at
/opt/switch/rt-3.6.1/lib/RT/Action/Generic.pm line 107.


Thanks for any help!


The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Best regards, Ruslan.