"undef" settings and searching the list archives

For settings like:

Set($LogToFile, undef);

If I want to enable logging to a file, how do I do it? Do I turn the
"undef" into a “1”, or a “0”, or a “yes”?

Also, are the list archives searchable? Looking in monthly files or
downloading the entire 65 Meg archive is not practical for me.



For settings like:

Set($LogToFile, undef);

If I want to enable logging to a file, how do I do it? Do I turn the
“undef” into a “1”, or a “0”, or a “yes”?

Any value that would cause it to be defined.

Also, are the list archives searchable? Looking in monthly files or
downloading the entire 65 Meg archive is not practical for me.

Yes, it’s at the bottom of the page in the mailing list section at

Andy Harrison
(full headers for details)


Just wondering… The main search form and the results pages don’t display
any of the graphics/icons. All I get are the little square with the red
X’s. Is this normal or is my browser just not getting them? For example:


Doesn’t show up for me.


Adolfo Santiago wrote:

Just wondering… The main search form and the results pages don’t display
any of the graphics/icons. All I get are the little square with the red
X’s. Is this normal or is my browser just not getting them? For example:


Doesn’t show up for me.

No, it doesn’t. It’s a bug, but it doesn’t affect the operation
of the search at any rate.
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