Unable to remove 3.6.1 after upgrade to 3.6.5

we just upgraded to 3.6.5 as part of an RT reconfiguration. When running 3.6.1 the path was /usr/local/rt-3.6.1 with the new version being /usr/local/rt3 for the sake of simplicity. I’ve changed the httpd.conf file replacing all instances of rt-3.6.1 with rt3. I’ve done the same with the ssl.conf file. After restarting httpd RT comes up fine and indicates that v3.6.5 is in use. However, if I attempt to move or rename the old directory (rt-3.6.1) I get an internal server error.

What else do I need to change? There’s no database changes to be made and /etc/aliases has been updated to point to rt-mailgate at /usr/local/rt3/bin. So what else should I be looking for?

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file. After restarting httpd RT comes up fine and indicates that
v3.6.5 is in use. However, if I attempt to move or rename the old
directory (rt-3.6.1) I get an internal server error.

when the browser shows “internal server error”, the server logs more
data to its own error log file. go see what that is, as it will have
the details you need to solve your problem.