Two teams, two queues, two email addresses


Is it possible to have two teams with their own email address working on the same RT instance and still able to communicate between each other with Cc:?

Let’s say there are two independent teams:

  • Level 1 using level1@example.net_
  • Level 2 using level2@example.net_

And two queues:

  • QueueL1 with ReplyAddress and CommentAddress set to level1@example.net_
  • QueueL2 with ReplyAddress and CommentAddress set to level2@example.net_

In, I set:

Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^(level1|level2)@example\.net$');

Now, if the Level 1 team wants to create a ticket to Level 2, or add the Level2 in Cc: to an existing ticket, RT refuses it with this error:

level2@example.net_ is an address RT receives mail at. Adding it as a ‘Requestor’ would create a mail loop


level2@example.net_ is an address RT receives mail at. Adding it as a ‘Cc’ would create a mail loop

Does it mean that the only way to communicate between teams is by moving the ticket across queues?

I am sure I am missing a first principle somewhere.


I’d suggest making two groups “Level 1” and “Level 2” with their own respective members. Then instead of adding your RT email address as Cc you can add the other group

Thanks for your answer @knation, much appreciated! I like the idea.

On my instance, it seems like the Cc: or Requestor: fields are requiring valid RT users. Am I missing something?

I guess I am not alone as another user had the same need in the past:

Screen Shot 2021-09-15 at 9.26.51 AM

5.0.2 adds this functionality!

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