Trying to user RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.12 and getting error on create user

I’m trying to use this plugin to authenticate against our LDAP.

Can see where it’s getting the data from LDAP, but when user create is
called, it returns an error…

Could not create a new user - FreeformContactInfo - dmbeethe - RealName -
Don Beethe - EmailAddress - - Gecos - dmbeethe - Password

  • NO-PASSWORD - Name - 55621 - ExternalAuthId - 55621

What am I missing here?


I’m trying to use this plugin to authenticate against our LDAP…

Can see where it’s getting the data from LDAP, but when user create is
called, it returns an error…

Could not create a new user - FreeformContactInfo - dmbeethe - RealName

  • Don Beethe - EmailAddress - - Gecos - dmbeethe -
    Password - NO-PASSWORD - Name - 55621 - ExternalAuthId – 55621

What am I missing here?

Can you paste the full log? There should be a reason why it can’t
create the user. You may also want to turn up your log levels to
“debug”: RT Config - RT 5.0.5 Documentation - Best Practical