Trying to use a CSV file as a custom field values source: "Can't use string (...) as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use."

I am trying to create a custom field values source with a CSV file as a

The CSV file is in this format (for reference):

“System ID”,“UPC”,“EAN”,“Custom SKU”,“Manufact.
Class”,“Default Cost”,“Vendor”
“210000000002”,“”,“”,“”,“”,“LABOR - Do Something Important: Make
Moneys”,“-”,“$30.00”,“No”,“Service / Important

The CSV is a dump from my POS system and I would like to have Request
Tracker populate the values of an “Enter multiple values” type custom field
with specific elements from that CSV joined together (Columns 5 + 7).

The code I have hacked together to fill an array with the data I want is as

package RT::CustomFieldValues::LaborItems;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::External);
use Text::CSV;

sub SourceDescription {
return ‘Labor items from the POS.’;

sub ExternalValues {
my @csvdata;
my $file =

    my $csv = Text::CSV -> new({ sep_char => ',' });
    open ( my $cvsfh, '<', $file ) or die "Could not open $file: $!";

    while( my $row = $csv -> getline( $cvsfh ) ) {
            push @csvdata, $row;
    shift( @csvdata );                              # Remove the

first entry (just contains the names of the columns).

    my @customvalues;
    my $i = 0;
    my $name;
    my $price;
    my $cvname;
    foreach ( @csvdata ){
            my $name = @{ $csvdata[$i][5] };
            my $price = @{ $csvdata[$i++][7] };
            my $cvname = join "", $name, " - ", $price;                    

Stick the price on the end of the name.

            push( @customvalues, name => $cvname );
    return @customvalues;




I’ve tried searching through other threads with this error, but haven’t been
able to translate anything I’ve learned into a working field values source
for RequestTracker. If I run the script sans RT specific code I can print
@customvalues and get an array of hashes, or dump @customvalues and see that
the information I want is making it that far at least.

The specific error I am getting is as follows:

[2491] [Sat Sep 27 16:54:57 2014] [error]: Can’t use string ("LABOR - Do
Something Important: "…) as an ARRAY ref while “strict refs” in use at
/var/rt4/sbin/…/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/ line 30, <$cvsfh>
line 114.

I have a feeling I’ve just been in Python-land for too long and I’ve made a
silly mistake somewhere, so if anybody wouldn’t mind glancing over my code
I’d really be super stoked for the help!

Thanks for the assistance,

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Wow, turns out I just needed a good nap…

Lots wrong with my first try, not sure how I thought that was going to work!

Anyways, for everybody else looking to figure this out, the functioning code

package RT::CustomFieldValues::LaborItems;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::External);
use Text::CSV;

sub SourceDescription {
return ‘Labor items from the POS.’;

sub ExternalValues {
my @csvdata = ; # Create an empty array for CSV data.
my $file =

    my $csv = Text::CSV -> new({ sep_char => ',' });
    open ( my $cvsfh, '<', $file ) or die "Could not open $file: $!";

    while( my $row = $csv -> getline( $cvsfh ) ) {
            push @csvdata, $row;
            shift @csvdata;                                                                

Removes the first line, just has column names.

    my @customvalues;
    for my $csvline ( @csvdata ){
                    my $itemname = $csvline->[5];
                    my $price = $csvline->[7];
                    my $cvname = join "", $itemname, " - ", $price;                       

Stick the price on the end of the name.

        my $cvhash->{ 'name' } = $cvname ;
        push( @customvalues, $cvhash );
    return \@customvalues;


#dump &ExternalValues;



RT is now successfully populating the custom field values!

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