Trouble setting custom field from scrips


I’m having a little trouble setting a custom field from a scrip.

What I’m trying to do is add some kind of notification so web interface
users see which of their tickets has unanswered customer responses.

What I have now is:

Description: WaitingFieldOnTransaction
Condition: OnTransaction
Action: User Defined
Template: Global Template: blank
Stage: Transaction Create
Custom action preparation code:

f ($trans->Type == “Comment” || $trans->Type == “Correspond”) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

Custom action cleanup code:
my $ownerid=$self->TicketObj->Owner;
my $actorid=$self->TransactionObj->Creator;

my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $RT::SystemUser );
$cf->LoadByName( Name => ‘WaitingForOwner’ );

if($ownerid eq $actorid) {
$self->TicketObj->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cf, Value => ‘answered’);
} else {
$self->TicketObj->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => $cf, Value => ‘Waiting’);

What happens is that in case the requestor responds, the custom field
gets set to ‘Waiting’, but right after that it falls back to ‘answered’:

Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner answered changed
to Waiting
Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner Waiting changed to

What could cause this? I also have a scrip that sets the status to
Waiting, but that only runs OnCreate.

thanks for any thoughts,
Borut Mrak.

Borut Mrak wrote:

What happens is that in case the requestor responds, the custom field
gets set to ‘Waiting’, but right after that it falls back to

My bad, it’s the other way around. We display newest transactions first.
The CF gets set to answered, and then right back to Waiting.

Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner answered
changed to Waiting
Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner Waiting
changed to answered

Borut Mrak.

Might there be another scrip that is firing right after the one you
described? I was experiencing that sort of behavior in a workflow chain
until I disabled all of the global scrips. I’ve found that rt.log (logging
at debug level) and my apache logs give a lot of useful information when I
can’t figure out what is going on. In fact, when I’m working on new scrips
or templates, I usually have “tail -f rt.log” and “tail -f
www/logs/error.log” running in separate windows so I can watch what happens
as the scrips and templates run (or don’t).

At 02:42 AM 4/3/2007, Borut Mrak wrote:

Borut Mrak wrote:

What happens is that in case the requestor responds, the custom field
gets set to ‘Waiting’, but right after that it falls back to

My bad, it’s the other way around. We display newest transactions first.
The CF gets set to answered, and then right back to Waiting.

Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner answered
changed to Waiting
Mon Apr 02 08:29:42 2007 RT_System - WaitingForOwner Waiting
changed to answered

Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University