just playing with RT (3.6.6), and I see that it’s localized to Czech (great!)
but not quite - not even the front page… The text “RT for %1” in Logo
element always shows in English - I know nothing about RT internals, but
apparently there’s some problem calling just “loc” for localization, and
apparently it’s widespread, because there already is a dedicated thingy (I
know nothing about HTML::Mason either
) “l” used for localization, which
does localize - even in Logo (see the attached Logo.diff). A related problem
is that the text “Best Practical Solutions, LLC corporate logo” isn’t
localized - the attached cs.po.diff has the Czech text. I admit I didn’t
check outstanding RT bugs (nor the latest sources) - I hope I’m not wasting
time here on an already fixed bug, but well, I did have time to waste… 
Open Source integration
cs.po.diff (356 Bytes)
Logo.diff (726 Bytes)
just playing with RT (3.6.6), and I see that it’s localized to Czech
but not quite - not even the front page… The text “RT for %1” in
element always shows in English - I know nothing about RT internals,
apparently there’s some problem calling just “loc” for localization,
apparently it’s widespread, because there already is a dedicated
thingy (I
know nothing about HTML::Mason either
) “l” used for
localization, which
does localize - even in Logo (see the attached Logo.diff). A related
is that the text “Best Practical Solutions, LLC corporate logo” isn’t
localized - the attached cs.po.diff has the Czech text. I admit I
check outstanding RT bugs (nor the latest sources) - I hope I’m not
time here on an already fixed bug, but well, I did have time to
I’ve been over this patch and I’m somewhat confused. I don’t think
there’s any need to change the <&|/l&></&> to loc(‘’).
the |/l filter is designed to be an html ‘tag’ wrapped around other
html, whereas loc() is a perl function that wraps raw text strings.
It’s purely a stylistic difference in when you’d want one or the other.