Time stamps are way off

Hi Everybody!
I set up an RT installation for a friend of mine’s employer. They are
using one server for the Web and Mail portion of RT, one server for MySQL,
and a third server for OpenLDAP (they are using Apache and LDAP for
authorization). The problem is this - when a ticket is created, the time
is 21 hours off! The system time on all three servers is correct. The
tickets are showing 21 hours in the future. Can someone provide me with
some guidance in terms of troubleshooting this problem? I have 3 RT boxes
in production - all self contained (MySQL, Apache, Postfix on the same
box) and have never seen this problem before.
Thanks for your help!!!

The problem is this - when a ticket is created, the time is 21 hours
off! The system time on all three servers is correct.

Are the timezones set correctly? Note that RT has its own timezone


Sebastian Flothow

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

The timezones on both the MySQL server and the RT server are set to PDT
and the times match…

RT_SiteConfig.pm is set to US/Pacific