"time left" field


i have a question regarding the “time left” field. Is it possible to
configure that this field will automatically updated by the “time
worked” field? So when an technician post his work and enters the time
for it, that this will automatically decrease the “time left” value.
In short time left = time left - time worked.

We are using rt 3.8.1 on a debian. If there is need for more information
i try to gather and post it.

Maby someone has a hint!

Thanks in advance!

Regards Oliver

i have a question regarding the “time left” field. Is it possible to
configure that this field will automatically updated by the “time
worked” field? So when an technician post his work and enters the
time for it, that this will automatically decrease the “time left”
value. In short time left = time left - time worked.

Only by writing a Scrip which updates Time Left whenever Time Worked
is updated. There is no built-in functionality for this.



i have a question regarding the “time left” field. Is it possible to
configure that this field will automatically updated by the “time
worked” field? So when an technician post his work and enters the
time for it, that this will automatically decrease the “time left”
value. In short time left = time left - time worked.

I would use the three fields:

  • time estimated → fill it at ticket creation time, manually or
    automatically by a scrip, the way it fit your needs
  • time worked → fill it manually
  • time left → fill it by a scrip each time time worked changes, make it
    equal to “time estimated - time worked”


Only by writing a Scrip which updates Time Left whenever Time Worked
is updated. There is no built-in functionality for this.

thanks for the hint, i tested it together with Kenneth. We can update
the timeleft Field without problems when the TimeWorked Field ist
updated directly. But i have the problem that we update the TimeWorked
not directly instead we use the Worked Field in the Comment oder Replay
Section. Any hint where i can get that value per scrip? In the
transaction log there is no possibility, right?

Maby a hint?

Regards Oliver