Time Estimate and Time Left

There are 3 fields in RT.
Time Worked upon
Time Estimate
Time Left.

Is Time Left not calculated from Time Estimated and Time Worked Upon for

if time worked upon is 10 Hours and Time estimated is 30 hours, the Time
left should be calculated by RT as 20 hours.
Is it not possible?


Unfortunately, while mathematically correct it might not be.

You might have estimated 5 hours, put 4 hours into it and come across
some problems and it’s now going to take you another 8.

So, it depends on how you use the estimate field.2009/4/23 Tutu bytespedition@gmail.com:

There are 3 fields in RT.
Time Worked upon
Time Estimate
Time Left.

Is Time Left not calculated from Time Estimated and Time Worked Upon for

if time worked upon is 10 Hours and Time estimated is 30 hours, the Time
left should be calculated by RT as 20 hours.
Is it not possible?


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My further queries in Red.On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Berny Stapleton berny@technology.net.auwrote:

Unfortunately, while mathematically correct it might not be.

You might have estimated 5 hours ----- you mean Time Estimated = 5 Hours ,
put 4 hours into it ( what is ‘it’ here ? ) and come across
some problems and it’s now going to take you another 8. ( Hence, I will
change my estimate to 8 hours in the Time Estimated field)

So, it depends on how you use the estimate field.
My question revolves around if Time Estimate, Time Worked Upon and Time
Left are synchrnonised with each other. What I wanted is : If I put a value
in Time Estimated field and Time Workedupon Field then the Time Left should
give me a difference of the two.

2009/4/23 Tutu bytespedition@gmail.com:

There are 3 fields in RT.
Time Worked upon
Time Estimate
Time Left.

Is Time Left not calculated from Time Estimated and Time Worked Upon for

if time worked upon is 10 Hours and Time estimated is 30 hours, the Time
left should be calculated by RT as 20 hours.
Is it not possible?


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