Tickets not visible

I am new to the RT ticketing system. Access to users is provided using Active Directory. But these users are not able to see any ticket being submitted into the system.
Could someone let me know what I need to be checking please?

You most likely need to grant some rights to these users, a good place to start is at the Queue level Admin->Queue->General->Group rights

Is it possible to reset the admin and root password? Please let me know

There is an extension that adds that feature:

“You most likely need to grant some rights to these users, a good place to start is at the Queue level Admin->Queue->General->Group rights”

For this do I need to login with root user? I reset root password but am not able to login via GUI.
Also, do I need to change something in the mysql database to be able to view tickets?

See the documentation for the above tool

This tool isn’t present in my list, how do i install tools like this?

For this do I need to login with root user ? I reset the root user’s password but am not able to login to the GUI.
Is there something I can change in the mysql database for this?

How did you reset the root users password?

Do you have an AD users that you’ve given RT admin rights to? You could probably use that if they have enough rights

is it not in /path_to_rt/sbin?

If they are on 4.2 I believe it will not be there

Actually couldn’t you create an entry for the root user in AD since RT will most likely try to Auth there first before trying internal auth?

Ah sorry missed that, my bad :frowning_face:

Updated values for root user in Users table. My main problem now is that new AD users are not able to view any tickets.
I see the users in Users table, but is there some association to other tables that needs to be set right ?

As an Admin user you should grant rights in the RT web UI I wouldn’t mess with the RT database too much. Also RT doesn’t store the plaintext password for users but the result of running the password through some processing so going in and manually setting the root password won’t work.

You can try grabbing the rt-password tool from 4.4 and see if it works on 4.2 or setup a AD entry for root and try logging in using that.

You can also try this command:

perl -I/opt/rt4/lib -MRT -MRT::User -e'RT::LoadConfig(); RT::Init(); my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $u->Load("root"); $u->SetPassword("SomePassword!")';

I don’t have /opt/rt4/lib which is why the command seems to be failing. Where else could it be based on various other version of RT ?

It could be anywhere if someone else installed this for you in the past. You’ll need to hunt around on your machine to find where RT4 has been installed - there should be a directory with sub directories of lib, bin, sbin, local, share, var, etc. You might have to use the find or locate command if you really don’t know where RT is installed - try looking for

try “sudo find / -name”