Ticket IDs are not sequential

I am currently testing RT 5.0.1, and I have observed that the ticket IDs are not sequential. For instance, the sequence appears as follows: 1, 2, 19, 26, 28.

Upon investigation, I suspect that the irregularity may be linked to the reminders within the tickets, as it seems that reminder entries are also generating new IDs.

Is it possible to disable the automatic creation of IDs for reminder associated with each ticket?


Is there a reason you want the IDs to be sequential? Does it matter?

As soon as you have multiple queues they’re going to be increased in unknown deltas.

Hello Andrew,
In my opinion, reminders should not count towards the sequence of ticket IDs

Thanks for your time!

Looking at https://github.com/bestpractical/rt/blob/stable/lib/RT/Reminders.pm it looks to me like reminders are implemented internally as tickets. I think you need to accept that ticket IDs will be skipped. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help :wink:

You’ll also find that approvals use up ticket IDs because they too are separate tickets.