Ticket Due date showing up as GMT in email reply


Our RT system is set to US/Central and that works to make RT timestamp
everything that’s visible through the web interface in US/Central
military time. I have noticed that any emails that are sent where the
due date is included shows up in GMT rather than local time. Anyone else
run into this?

Thanks for any info.

This is resolved. For the archives:

If anyone runs into this problem, use {$Ticket->DueObj->AsString}
instead of {$Ticket->Due}. (Thanks chaka on #rt).From: rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 1:41 PM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-users] Ticket Due date showing up as GMT in email reply


Our RT system is set to US/Central and that works to make RT timestamp
everything that’s visible through the web interface in US/Central
military time. I have noticed that any emails that are sent where the
due date is included shows up in GMT rather than local time. Anyone else
run into this?

Thanks for any info.