I’ve been fooling with the dependencies features, and they seem to work
great. However, it seems that the dependency links don’t actually DO
anything except sit there passively. You can close dependant tickets
while the tickets they depend on are still open (or new), without so
much as a peep from RT.
It might be useful to have an option to warn users when they try to
resolve a ticket that has unresolved or unopen dependencies. Otherwise
you could easily imagine scenarios where things get done in the wrong
order. If you’ve ever written a make implementation, you know the order
in which dependencies are addressed is critical. Same with tasks in an
IT office, supermarket, church or even a military installation (many of
which bases might well consider RT an inexpensive alternative now that
all the money’s going to The Antimissilemissle Missile Project).
I would be happy to look into adding the code for this. I would also be
happy to hear that I’m completely wrong about either the idea or the
fact that it hasn’t already been implemented (and I just couldn’t figure
it out).
I’d definitely like to see code for this. However, I’d love to see this code
in something like a Scrip… But to do that, we’re going to need a new callback
so that scrips can be run before the action is committed and some way to
signal RT and the user that the action that’s going on can’t continue.
Does that make sense? Comments? Ideas?
-jesseOn Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:14:44AM -0500, david.sarno@yale.edu wrote:
I’ve been fooling with the dependencies features, and they seem to work
great. However, it seems that the dependency links don’t actually DO
anything except sit there passively. You can close dependant tickets
while the tickets they depend on are still open (or new), without so
much as a peep from RT.
It might be useful to have an option to warn users when they try to
resolve a ticket that has unresolved or unopen dependencies. Otherwise
you could easily imagine scenarios where things get done in the wrong
order. If you’ve ever written a make implementation, you know the order
in which dependencies are addressed is critical. Same with tasks in an
IT office, supermarket, church or even a military installation (many of
which bases might well consider RT an inexpensive alternative now that
all the money’s going to The Antimissilemissle Missile Project).
I would be happy to look into adding the code for this. I would also be
happy to hear that I’m completely wrong about either the idea or the
fact that it hasn’t already been implemented (and I just couldn’t figure
it out).
rt-devel mailing list
http://www.bestpractical.com/products/rt – Trouble Ticketing. Free.
I’d definitely like to see code for this. However, I’d love to see
this code in something like a Scrip… But to do that, we’re going to
need a new callback so that scrips can be run before the action is
committed and some way to signal RT and the user that the action
that’s going on can’t continue.
I think I follow - the Scrip will turn on a check so that every time you
try to change status of a ticket, it’ll make sure the change is ok
dependency-wise before it commits. Could this be as simple as adding a
line of code to the status-change logic that does a simple check which,
if it fails, doesn’t proceed with the change and displays in ListActions
a message like “Ticket Depends on #35 - Must resolve dependencies before
closing” ?
If you’re doing it with POST, you could also have another boolean
variable DEP that prevents the ticket’s status from being changed if it
has dependencies, and produces the message.
I’m not that familiar with how the Scrips work code-wise, but if you
could point me to the appropriate areas in the code I’ll investigate it
a little more.