The 'Journal' Feature?

How do I add the ‘Journal’ feature to RT3?

I noticed it at and think I can really take advantage
of the feature.

Dan Armeneau - Computer Technician
Parkland Regional Library
5404 56 Avenue,
Lacombe, AB T4L 1G1
Phone: 403.782.3850 Fax: 403.782.4650

How do I add the ‘Journal’ feature to RT3?

I noticed it at and think I can really take advantage
of the feature.

It’s unreleased code that’s not yet ready for prime-time. At this
point, I use it to keep my blog and that’s about it :wink:

Dan Armeneau - Computer Technician
Parkland Regional Library
5404 56 Avenue,
Lacombe, AB T4L 1G1
Phone: 403.782.3850 Fax: 403.782.4650

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