Template manual?

Greeting fellow RT fans

First off, amazing bit of work this RT thing; I had used it once
before, many years ago (before the dot-bomb), and based on that
experience I recommended it to xmlteam.com – in the tail of the
latest email from their CEO Alan Karben I found, “Other things I’m
excited about: RT, ThinkSMS.co.uk …”

Top of his list. RT blew them away.

But I have a lot of catch-up to do; whatever I /did/ know about RT
I’ve long since forgotten and was probably obsolete anyway.

My immediate issues are with customizing notification emails. For
some of the settings, the manual is a silent on the config variables
and the RT_Config comments say where, but don’t say /how/ the values
are used, or what might be reasonable examples :wink:

  1. in practical terms, what do people use as the CorrespondAddress and
    CommentAddress? Are these best set to rt@ and rt-comment@ or should
    they point to people?

  2. The From: name part in my emails is coming out as the /description/
    of the queue; can I change this to the name of the queue? Because
    we hope to allow trusted customers into the web interface, I would
    like to use very descriptive descriptions.

  3. Related to (2), is it possible to use the name of the queue instead of
    the queue number in the Subject line? I’d love to tell customers to post
    their issues with a subject line [xmlteam.com FeedFetcher]

I did find the Mason templates for the webpage and started tinkering
with them, but is there a rule-base somewhere that describes all the
variables available? Another small problem I found with the current
(PDF) manual is that it describes what it means to Own Ticket, but not
how this might differ from Take Ticket.

Something that has probably been talked about before, but I’ll add my
two cents because I have seen it work very well in the Drupal.org
project: Have you considered installing a WikiWiki server on the home
website to let the users of RT maintain the user manual? The nagios.org
project also gets good results running a FAQ-o-Matic.

Gary Lawrence Murphy garym@teledyn.com
www.teledyn.com/mt - www.teledyn.com - sbp.teledyn.com
You don’t play what you know; you play what you hear.

Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:

  1. The From: name part in my emails is coming out as the /description/
    of the queue; can I change this to the name of the queue? Because
    we hope to allow trusted customers into the web interface, I would
    like to use very descriptive descriptions.

I had problems with this also. I would like to see additional Full Name
fields to associate with each Correspondence/Comment Address on the
Admin/Queue/Basics page:

Queue Name: Abuse
Description: E-mail abuse reports

Correspondence Full Name: Network Security
Correspondence Address: abuse@example.com

Comment Full Name: Security Staff
Comment Address: abuse-comment@example.com

I think that this would be the most elegant solution.

At 09:53 AM 12/10/2003, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:

  1. Related to (2), is it possible to use the name of the queue instead of
    the queue number in the Subject line? I’d love to tell customers to post
    their issues with a subject line [xmlteam.com FeedFetcher]

That’s not the queue number in the subject. It’s the ticket number. You
need that there for replies to be associated properly. There has been lots
of discussion on this list about substituting the queue name for the RT
instance name.

Another small problem I found with the current
(PDF) manual is that it describes what it means to Own Ticket, but not
how this might differ from Take Ticket.

Take Ticket allows you to assign a ticket to yourself. You need Own Ticket
in order to Take Ticket but you don’t need Take Ticket to Own Ticket. As
long as someone has rights to assign tickets and you have Own Ticket, you
can still be an owner.


Michael S. Liebman m-liebman@northwestern.edu
“I have vision and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”
-Paul Newman in “Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid”