Template mail has no content


I have a problem on one of my scrip: the template Correspondence doesn’t work as expected. Here’s an example with header:

On Owner Change Notify Owner with template CorrespondenceSubject: [tracker.XXXX.com #6698] test
From: “Customer Support Center via XXXX Support” support@tracker.XXXX.com
Reply-To: support@tracker.XXXX.com
Message-ID: rt-3.4.5-451-1190381096-1411.6698-2-0@tracker.XXXX.com
Precedence: bulk
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: tracker.XXXX.com
RT-Ticket: tracker.XXXX.com #6698
Managed-by: RT 3.4.5 (Request Tracker — Best Practical Solutions)
RT-Originator: root@localhost
To: tnguyen@XXXX.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=“utf-8”
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8

This transaction appears to have no content

Does anybody have an idea of what is exactly going on ?



What kind of content were you expecting? The template:Correspondence 

will include the transaction content, if there is any. But, I believe
that if someone steals or takes a ticket, they don’t have to enter any
comments, therefore, there would be nothing to include. Perhaps you
should consider creating your own template with whatever message you
want to send and use that template for owner change. We use our own
template and have no problems with content on owner changes. Hope this

LBNLOn 9/21/2007 6:42 AM, Thibaut Nguyen wrote:


I have a problem on one of my scrip: the template Correspondence doesn’t work as expected. Here’s an example with header:

On Owner Change Notify Owner with template Correspondence

Subject: [tracker.XXXX.com #6698] test
From: “Customer Support Center via XXXX Support” support@tracker.XXXX.com
Reply-To: support@tracker.XXXX.com
Message-ID: rt-3.4.5-451-1190381096-1411.6698-2-0@tracker.XXXX.com
Precedence: bulk
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: tracker.XXXX.com
RT-Ticket: tracker.XXXX.com #6698
Managed-by: RT 3.4.5 (http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/)
RT-Originator: root@localhost
To: tnguyen@XXXX.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=“utf-8”
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8

This transaction appears to have no content

Does anybody have an idea of what is exactly going on ?


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