Does anyone know if it is possible to create tables in RTFM Wiki custom
fields? I am using RTFM 2.4.1.
I’ve tried the standard “|”, but they don’t seem to work.
If not, is it possible/relatively easy to change the Wiki interpreter to say
CGI:Wiki or some other Wiki interpreter that has tables?
I’ve read RTFM - Request Tracker Wiki on creating custom tags.
However after going to the lengths outlined in the link, I’m wondering if
swapping the interpreter might be another viable option yielding potentially
more benefits?
Does anyone know if it is possible to create tables in RTFM Wiki custom
fields? I am using RTFM 2.4.1.
Just for a test I have disabled tag scanning and then any valid html
code is rendered as html. I don’t know exactly what I changed, has been
a while I tested this, but if you can’t figure it out yourself I’ll
rummage through my dev instance to find the diff.
Either I changed a RTFM component or I changed Text::Wiki(?)