
Hey, I need to do one of those “costumer satisfaction surveys” on random
ticket closings. I’m thinking in a Script to open a new ticket about a
survey and using an external app to do the actual survey stuff.

Unless someone has a better idea :slight_smile:

Jose P. E. Junior

At Wednesday 5/23/2007 11:24 AM, José de Paula Eufrásio Júnior wrote:

Hey, I need to do one of those “costumer
satisfaction surveys” on random ticket closings.
I’m thinking in a Script to open a new ticket
about a survey and using an external app to do the actual survey stuff.

Unless someone has a better idea :slight_smile:

Jose P. E. Junior

Hello Jose.

We did something similar for a customer, with the
survey itself being handled outside of RT, and it
seems to work well. We created a scrip that sends
mail on first resolve of a ticket, with the email
message containing a link to the external survey
page. The only difference for your requirement is
to write a custom condition in the scrip that
does random closings rather than first-closing.


At Wednesday 5/23/2007 12:58 PM, José de Paula Eufrásio Júnior wrote:

Can you share your scrip for me to use it as a starting point? :slight_smile:


Hi Jose,

Sure - the scrip is

Condition - user defined (see code below)
Action - notify requestor
Template - survey email (contains a link to the survey page)

The Custom condition code is:

Only deal with Resolve transactions:

return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq “Status”
&& $self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq “resolved”;

my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;

my $trans_list = $self->TicketObj->Transactions;
my $trans;
my $num_resolved = 0;

while ($trans = $trans_list->Next)
$num_resolved++ if ($trans->Ticket == $self->TicketObj->Id) &&
($trans->Type eq “Status”) &&
($trans->NewValue eq “resolved”);

Only send mail the first time a ticket is resolved:

return 0 if $num_resolved > 1;

return 1;

Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology (IS&T)