Suppressing Global Scrip


I’m playing with RT 3.0.6 to get an idea of how to customize it. I am trying
to suppress a global scrip with no success.

Here’s what I’m trying - in global->config->scrips, for the “On Create
to Requestors with Global Template Autoreply” scrip, I put this in the “custom
condition” text block ( and stopped/started the web server):


I though this would prevent the autoreply when I create a ticket - but I still
get the autoreply mail messages.

Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong?



I’m playing with RT 3.0.6 to get an idea of how to customize it. I am trying
to suppress a global scrip with no success.

Here’s what I’m trying - in global->config->scrips, for the “On Create
to Requestors with Global Template Autoreply” scrip, I put this in the
condition” text block ( and stopped/started the web server):

the “Custom code” only applies for User Defined scrip
actions/conditions as shipped out of the box…
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