This is probably a question really for @Jim_Brandt and the Best Practical folk, but others may have opinions. We’re in the process of looking to move our production RT to 5.0.5 later this year, which is a big job as its a large (>700,000 tickets) database and we’ve done lots of tinkering with it over the years. I’m currently going through and porting our local modifications one at time to a test 5.0.5 install, and refactoring them as I go.
Where possible I’m trying to use Callbacks, as they’re one of RT’s strongest customisation features and they compartmentalise my local modifications in a neat, easily maintainable location.
However sometimes there just isn’t a Callback in the right place even though I just need to tweak a parameter being passed to a component later, so I end up with a local copy or overlay of one or more Mason components. These are more of a pain because I need to work out what is local customisation rather than just release changes and then graft it into a local copy of the file from the 5.0.5 release. And when we upgrade again in the future I’ll need to do that again too.
So the question: if I spot a location in a distributed Mason file where a Callback would be really handy, is this something that Best Practical would like to know about to add into future releases? I wouldn’t help me at the moment, but might in the future. If so, where’s the best place to communicate this to the team? Or is there a plan for where/when new Callbacks will be added already (for example only if existing files are heavily reworked between releases)?
FWIW what kicked this off was looking at /Articles/Article/Search.html, where I’ve got a local copy that just adds CustomField.{Content}
to the $format
variable. There’s no Callbacks in this file at all!