Stuck at configure RT with the web installer

I’m trying to setup RT5 in ubuntu 24.04/mysql/apache2.

I’m following README - RT 5.0.7 Documentation - Best Practical and done ‘make install’, there is no error in it. Should I edit manually or should i go ahead with ‘/opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server’ ?
I try to go straight with ‘/opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server’ but it just hangs there.
Please help!

have you ran make initdb yet? If you run the manual server (not through Apache) /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server and you try to hit the web UI, you’re not seeing any logging? Does the web interface just timeout?

I have not yet ran “make initdb”, I’m very new to this and am a bit confused.
I literally just follow the README until step 6a: “make install”, I’m not sure what to do next.

README says run ‘/opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server’ to configure RT with the web installer, while the installer says edot


please help, thank you.

Hi, @doriswonghy .

There is an implicit OR in the documentation:

  • To configure RT with the web installer … blah, blah, blah…
  • To configure RT manually … blah, blah, blah…

Choose your own way. I started via the web installer and later I fine tuned the local configuration file, adding plugins, etc.

I have successfully do the ‘make install’ with no error.
I set the Set($DatabasePassword, ‘password’); in then,
I try to configure RT with the web installer by running ‘/opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server’, but it just hangs there in my command line.

I’m testing this install in VirtualBox btw, does this matter?

Can you turn debug logging on? What happens when you try to hit the web UI?

I’ve turned on debug logging and fixed a few dependency issues, now when i try to hit the web UI i get this

this is a new installation of RT using virtualbox, im not quite sure what URL should i follow to configure RT and initialize database.

update, i tried “make initialize-database” instead and got this:

does it mean its done setting up? what’s next?

i’ve set the rt5.conf for apache and updated the
when i do “/opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server --8080”
I can access through my local computer to the login page.

It says on Web deployment - RT 5.0.7 Documentation - Best Practical that its not the best way for it to run for production, however I can’t get it running using the apache way.
When i try to access, its just shows the apache2 ubuntu default page.
These are my config files.

May i know where should i look for the problem?

In apache config I also have:

ScriptAlias / /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/
<Location />
            Options +ExecCGI
            AddHandler fcgid-script fcgi

At Web deployment - RT 5.0.7 Documentation - Best Practical you’ll find more stuff to configure.

I added your suggestion in and my new config is as such:

I’m no longer at the apache2 page but I see this now:

what else am I missing?

Reading the output… fastcgi handler is not loaded by Apache. Check the modules loaded by Apache. Depending on your distribution you must check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled or /etc/httpd/modules/, etc. if that module is installed (I presume it’s there) and activated.

You must review your distribution docs for this.

In my installation I also executed:

sudo a2dismod mod_speling
sudo a2dismod mod_cache
sudo a2dismod mpm_event
sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork
sudo a2enmod fcgid

But all this depends on your preferences, Linux distribution, etc.

After enabling fcgid, I get 500 Internal error, the following is logged:

when i comment out:

ScriptAlias / /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/

Then i get the “You’re almost there” page.

These are my mods enabled.

/etc/apache2/mods-enabled# ls
access_compat.load  authn_core.load    authz_user.load  dir.load      mime.conf         perl.load        socache_shmcb.load
alias.conf          authn_file.load    autoindex.conf   env.load      mime.load         reqtimeout.conf  ssl.conf
alias.load          auth_openidc.conf  autoindex.load   fcgid.conf    mpm_event.conf    reqtimeout.load  ssl.load
auth_basic.load     auth_openidc.load  deflate.conf     fcgid.load    mpm_event.load    rewrite.load     status.conf
auth_mellon.conf    authz_core.load    deflate.load     filter.load   negotiation.conf  setenvif.conf    status.load
auth_mellon.load    authz_host.load    dir.conf         headers.load  negotiation.load  setenvif.load

Don’t forget to add:

FcgidMaxRequestLen 1073741824

I’m not an expert in Apache, I just followed instructions in the docs and googled to fix some issues. If this doesn’t helps you, it’s time to wait for someone with more experience than me (or maybe search in an Apache forum).