Stripping MIME attachments

Is there a way to strip MIME attachments before accepting mail
via mailgate into a queue ?

Dave Dennis wrote:

Is there a way to strip MIME attachments before accepting mail
via mailgate into a queue ?

Yes. You can do it any number of ways. The keys are in your
question; “before accepting mail via mailgate” (ie, completely
outside the scope of RT), and “strip mime”, which should make
some fine googlefodder.
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Useful enough response, and thanks.

Tangent: The contrib in 1.0 (0.99) that did this would be useful if it could be
run with 3.X .


Dave Dennis wrote:

Is there a way to strip MIME attachments before accepting mail
via mailgate into a queue ?

Yes. You can do it any number of ways. The keys are in your
question; “before accepting mail via mailgate” (ie, completely
outside the scope of RT), and “strip mime”, which should make
some fine googlefodder.

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Demime does a great job for us. Let Google be your guide…On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 02:24:10PM -0700, Dave Dennis wrote:

Is there a way to strip MIME attachments before accepting mail
via mailgate into a queue ?


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